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November 22, 2011

University Assembly Campus Infrastructure Committee
November 22, 2011
3:00 - 4:30pm
Police Department Meeting Room, Barton Hall

I. Call to Order

  • Meeting called to order at 3:20pm.
  • Members present: Kappy Fahey, Ned La Celle, Jae Il Lee, Melissa Lukasiewicz, Sean Murphy, Erik Smith
  • Also present: David Lieb (Associate Director of Transportation)

II. Approval of the Minutes from November 15, 2011

  • To be approved at the next meeting.

III. Call for Late Additions to the Agenda

  • Ned La Cell: Inquiry for transportation regarding motorcycles

IV. Old Business

a. UA Resolution 2 on Unisex Restrooms

  • There was a suggestion to make the resolution more technical
    • The project would have to be over $5 million for new constructions to include unisex bathrooms
    • The project must follow building codes
  • K. Fahey: Not sure what this resolution will accomplish, but will vote yes
  • Vote: 6–0−0
  • Resolution will be set to the UA for approval

b. UA Resolution 3 on Retiree and Accessible Parking

  • D. Lieb: The bus facility is beyond its capacity and is cash strapped. Also, if a bus is requested now, it will take two years to get it
  • Concern that municipal permits are difficult to get
    • Very simple form from DMV with a few questions for the doctors of people with disabilities
  • D. Lieb: DMV Criteria for disabilities
    • Uses portable oxygen
    • Legally blind
    • Unable to use one or both legs
    • Unable to walk 200 feet without stopping
    • Neuromuscular function that limits mobility
    • Class 3 or 4 cardiac condition
    • Arthritic or orthopedic condition
    • Lung Disease
    • Physical/mental impairment that poses unusual hardship on transportation
  • K. Fahey: people cannot choose what building they work in, so should people have to pay $700 for the parking lot by their building since the bus is not convenient?
  • D. Lieb: There is a population that is aging and needs that are increasing, but there is a limit to the number of accessible spaces that can be added
  • S. Murphy: The Administration said that they would charge transportation fees for students if they themselves voted for it (through SA and GPSA)
  • E. Smith: What would be a reasonable first step toward offering free transportation to everyone?
  • D. Lieb: Hypothetically, and example: Charging $25 per student per semester. Free access to public transit at non-peak times, potentially adding 10am to 3pm. Would keep OmniRide
  • E. Smith: At what point will the infrastruture be augmented to take on more buses?
  • S. Murphy: Is free transit for all students an ultimate goal for TCAT?
  • D. lieb: It is currently not on TCAT’s radar, but it can be brought up. Up until now, it has not been necessary since there is no student fee for transportation. Question of TCAT’s capacity to handle this in the future— needs more and/or federal funding as it cannot be done with only local funding.
  • S. Murphy: what is the sense of the GPSA? It would be a good idea to get feelers— do not give impressions of ideas that TCAT is considering, but just get opinions
  • E. Smith: It has not been brought up, but he can do so
  • D. Lieb: Conversation has been happening for years: graduate needs are higher and their desire to pay is lower. the undergraduates have not been pursuing the issue
  • K. Fahey: Have any car sharing ideas been proposed?
  • D. Lieb: “Ride sharing” has been discussed, but there has to be funding for that
  • N. La Celle: Will draft a resolution and email it to the members
  • D. Lieb: Would be happy to attend GPSA and SA meetings to continue the conversation

IIIV. New Business

a. Transportation funding challenges for the future

  • N. La Celle: A reminder email should be sent out saying that motorcycle permits need to be renewed

Meeting adjourned at 4:00pm

Contact Campus Infrastructure

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F