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March 10, 2009 Minutes

Cornell Childcare Committee Meeting
B16 Day Hall
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
10:30 — 12:00 p.m.

I. Welcome.

  1. Introduction of new center director, Patti Sinclair
  2. Email Vote on 1/13/09 minutes: Yes 6 (Yael, Mark J., Sharon, Amy O., Mark L., Brenda)
  3. Approve 2/11/09 minutes. No quorum present.

II. Cornell Child Care Center Issues (Michelle and Cassie)

  1. Discussion regarding 30 day notice policy.
    1. Issue of financial hardship on families where a parent lost a job
    2. Issue of family starting there and not comfortable
    3. Abe: if we allow exceptions, does Cornell pay the difference
    4. Michelle: HR prepared to modify policy. How about 2 weeks notice if within first 2 months?
    5. If only Cornell parent loses job, they can stay at center 1 month.
    6. Amy O: add “extenuating circumstances” clause
    7. Abe: OHR to hear the appeals?
    8. Decided not to change the policy. Glad that BH staff flexible and OHR will hear and address appeals when parents not satisfied with BH decision.
  2. Discussion regarding the Child Care Center Parent Committee structure
    1. Mark L: how about a parent rep run the meeting? A couple parents suggested this.
    2. Mark J; is this advisory committee or group to make some decisions?
    3. Michelle: mostly advisory. Can’t make decisions with financial impact. Would like them to participate and help with other decisions.
    4. Abe: PTA does find way to have important impact, even in an environment with lots of rules and certain areas they can’t make decisions.
    5. Mark J: PTA responsible for enrichment activities.
    6. Mark L: parents have influence on policy? On things that change (kind of snacks)?
    7. Fatima: it’s about building community. Give parents forum to question what our best practices are, what we can do to change things.
    8. Michelle: what’s best way to gather feedback? Drop off boxes in classrooms, at front? Mark: could it be at logon station where you sign in your kids? Patti: what about entry way? Charlotte: no room there. Fatima and Michelle: suggestion of envelopes and drop off box; write classroom on the front of envelope. Sharon: blackboard system used; digital comments. ## Michelle: try to avoid another system that staff without computers can’t use. Mark J; ask the parents to weigh in on this, best way to communicate.
  3. Patti: working on waiver to allow parents to opt in/out of sharing contact info with other parents, so parents can easily contact others

III. Updates and reports

  1. Sue Dale Hall — sent the committee an email regarding Child Development Council’s work on quality assurance and possibilities of stimulus money toward these efforts.

IV. Where do we stand and where are we going?

  1. Computer statement.
    1. Asked for vote by email, only 1 response.
    2. Mark had revised statement, with 4 recommendations added to consider today.
    3. Michelle: include president and provost on this? Abe and Mark: idea is to send them as a group with cover letter.
    4. Amended to include actions taken by CCCC. Abe will distribute revised statement for vote by email.

V. Adjourn (12:00)

Contact Childcare

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F
