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June 10, 2009 Minutes

Cornell Childcare Committee Meeting
B12 Day Hall
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
10:00 — 11:30 p.m.

Brenda Marston*, Mark Lewis, Cassie Joseph, KC Rose, Amy O’Donnell, Amy Richter, Abe Stroock, Yael Levitte *Minutes recorder
Unable to attend
Mark Jasinski, Sharon Sassler, Michelle Artibee, Rachel Wallace, Sue Dale-Hall

I. Welcome.

II. Committee business:

  1. Friction with HR: logistics of Center tour and communicating with the PAC about parking costs for staff.
  2. Open positions for 2009–10.
    1. Grad students
      1. Deondra Rose stepped down
      2. Amy R. stepping down after this meeting, after serving from its beginning, including time as chair. — 2 grad positions to fill
    2. KC will get to officially replace Harry Evans for a staff position; and Rachel Wallace will be appointed as undergrad rep.
    3. Faculty: Mark Lewis continuing? Decision pending.
    4. Presidential appointees:
      1. Elizabeth Stilwell resigned this week. Brenda read her resignation letter. Lynette Chappell-Williams had not put through her appointment as a voting member yet (requested 2 months ago and agreed to). Mark L. commented what a loss it is to the committee and asked if there were any ideas of who else locally might be able to bring such expertise and experience. Brenda invited members to send suggestions to her.
      2. We expect Laurie Miller to be appointed for next year. There will still be one opening.
    5. With Harry Evans’ and Deondra Rose’s terms over, we currently have 8 official voting members, so needed 5 present to take action.
  3. Vote to approve 5/5/09 and 4/8/09 Minutes. Both approved unanimously by the 5 voting members present (Amy O., Brenda, Amy R., Mark L., Yael)

III. Report on Child Care Grant Survey (Guest, Lena Hipp (lh247), 10:30–10:45)

Lena came to the committee last fall, inviting members to submit questions for the child care grant survey. Lena came back and shared information about response rates and some preliminary results, such as roughly 30% of respondents said the child care grant allowed them to access higher quality care than they would have otherwise. Mildred Warner may be able to share more detailed results with us in the fall.

IV. Accessibility statement

We agreed on a final version and voted on it. Approved unanimously by the 5 voting members present. Final version attached.

V. Work finished in 2008–2009

  1. Update on advocacy for reduced parking costs for CCCC staff. Brenda clarified that CCCC staff are not actually affiliates, even though that term had been mistakenly used. Boyce Thompson Institute is a legal affiliate of Cornell’s. The two situations are not comparable. Brenda met with Helen Steh who is in charge of commuter parking. She is open to talking more with interested parties. Cassie said there was a member of CCCC’s Parent Advisory Committee that wants to be in touch and work with us.
  2. Position statements and child care grant recommendations.
    1. Computer statement — On the last vote, we had votes of 6 of 13 voting members; that was one short of enough to take action. We decided to vote again, allowing non-present voting members to cast a vote by email. Voting members present at the end of the meeting voted at the meeting. Mark L. Amy O., and Brenda voted to approve.
      1. June 16 update: Mark J., Sharon, and Yael voted yes by email.
      2. Vote results, 6 YES. Statement approved.
    2. Vision statement. Already approved and acted upon.
    3. Childcare grant algorithm. Brenda forwarded the 3 approved motions along with a cover letter to HR on 5/13. (attached)

VI. Priorities for 2009–10.

Discussed and Brenda will distribute revised priorities document.

VII. Adjourn (11:30)

Contact Childcare

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F
