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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Student Assembly Undesignated at-Large

Conor Hodges (ch732)

Photo of Conor Hodges

This past year has been a whirlwind for our community. Censorship of students by the SA, a battle for fair compensation of TCAT, and now the healthcare fee debacle. We students are viewed as a revenue stream rather than community members with a right to co-determination. Worse, our own student assembly has become a rubber stamp that legitimizes further fee increases and tuition hikes through their inaction. It’s time for a change. Now I’m not a single issue candidate. I want to increase accessibility to psychological counseling so that students in need aren’t expected to wait three weeks for help.I want to craft a Student Bill of Rights that clearly collates and describes our rights and responsibilities both in regards to the university and each other. Perhaps most ambitiously, I want to organize legal services to support the multitudes of students forced to live off campus who are often taken advantage of by unscrupulous landlords. In my time at Cornell I’ve advocated for you by safeguarding free speech as a member of the UA’s Codes and Judicial Committee, through #SaveThePass, and now through #FightTheFee. If you’re tired of being exploited by the administration and ignored by the SA, I hope I can count on your support.

Cole Finke (cjf82)

Photo of Cole Finke

Think Finke: Funding, Fairness, Fun Funding � Enhance mental health initiatives � Increase funding for club sports and other campus organizations � Provide resources for improved safety Fairness � Improve transparency with increasing tuition � Eliminate the student health fee Fun � Strengthen Cornell communities and foster collaboration � Advocate for the Greek community On March 17 Vote Cole Finke For At-Large Representative

Diana Li (dl792)

Photo of Diana Li

Hello! My name is Diana and I am a sophomore in the ILR school. I am currently the Transfer Representative on SA. If elected Undesignated At-Large Representative, I’ll focus on: 1. BIAS INCIDENTS on campus need to be addressed. I’ll work with CUPD to create a reporting system aimed at reducing police intimidation, host forums to ensure students know their rights, and work with clubs and administrators to spread inclusive views within our community. Through forums with food, we can improve our understanding of and increase our respect for different cultures. 2. In light of the Student Health Tax and tuition hikes, we need TRANSPARENCY between the University, the SA and the student body. The SA is only effective if it shares information with the student body and gathers feedback. I’ll hold weekly office hours in Libe Caf� to foster discussion since I’d serve as the bridge between you and the administration. 3. As a member of Appropriations Committee I review FUNDING for clubs; one concern many have is the lack of voice clubs have when appealing SAFC decisions. I seek to increase club representation by first extending speak time, then making the appeals process more transparent. I’m counting on you to vote DIANA LI!

Gabe Kaufman (gdk36)

Photo of Gabe Kaufman

“Vote Good. Vote Gabe.” Hello fellow Cornellians! Hopefully, your year has been great, but here is how you can make the next one even better: Vote Gabe Kaufman. Here are some reasons to vote Gabe. A) Check out The Official Gabe Kaufman 2015 Campaign Site: B) I love Cornell too! I visited, applied ED, and became a Cornellian in the ILR School in 2013. C) With my general background in student government, my experience as a current S.A. representative, my active involvement around campus, and my passion for making a big red difference, I think I would be a good candidate to represent you on again on the S.A. as an Undesignated Representative at Large.” D) The Kaufman Platform: - Ensure a just allocation of funding to student groups and organizations - Encourage Cornell to run more fundraising campaigns aimed at improving student life, instead of only improving infrastructure and research - Increase legislative and financial transparency - Encourage the implementation of Open Course Evaluations - Relax restrictions on Greek life - Reduce printing costs - Role out a “Student Bill of Rights” - Oppose the “Health Fee” “Vote Good. Vote Gabe.”

Maha Ghandour (mtg56)

Photo of Maha Ghandour

Hi! My name is Maha Ghandour, and I am a sophomore in the School of ILR from Seattle, Washington. I am running to serve you on the SA because I am passionate about improving the Cornell experience for all students, and I am motivated to create realistic solutions to campus issues. I will advocate for:

1. Mental health & sexual/relationship violence prevention: Through peer training and educational forums, I will empower students of all gender identities and sexual orientations to tackle issues pertaining to mental health & sexual, relationship and domestic violence

2. Diversity and inclusion: By shedding light onto important issues affecting cultural groups, I will ensure that all students’ voices are heard and their interests and concerns accounted for

3. Financial transparency: I will hold our Administration accountable to publicizing and disseminating all university finances so that students are informed and involved in all decision-making processes

Most importantly, my work will reflect what matters to you. If elected, I will ensure that your voices are heard�and respected�by the SA and the administration. Thank you!

Won Young Choi (wc478)

Photo of Won Youn Choi

When I first arrived at Cornell, I envisioned a campus where people strove for challenge in a compassionate and loving environment. Happiness is contagious, and so is gratefulness and love, so I vowed to do everything in my power to make one’s day better than yesterday. However, it struck me hard when I realized many people here in Cornell undergo unbearable stress from personal and academic reasons, with some enduring mental illnesses like depression. As a result, many put themselves down and feel helpless, not knowing what to do, not feeling supported, fueling a negative vibe around the campus. This is a big issue. As a victim of depression and bipolar disorder, it sucks to be in a helpless position, especially when the whole tedium of academics exacerbates such sadness. I believe that everyday leadership is a powerful thing. Even now, I still make it a priority to make whatever impact I can make on my fellow peers from random acts of kindness and candy giving to random compliments to people walking down streets. Anything, even if it’s socially unconventional, to make one smile or feel grateful to be a part of Cornell. As candidate, I would do everything to raise mental health awareness and promote a positive healthy atmosphere.

Contact Elections

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715