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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Student Assembly Engineering

Justin Selig (jss459)

Photo of Justin Selig

Hi! I’m Justin Selig and I’m a sophomore in the College of Engineering. I currently serve as the Engineering Rep on the Student Assembly and have been working on a number of initiatives over the past semester. I have really enjoyed my experience and would love to continue representing my college next year! As an ambassador of the Engineering school, I am consistently talking with students and administration to generate new ideas about how to improve our experience in the College of Engineering. In the time that I’ve been on the assembly, I helped craft a resolution to expand the resources available to students during February break and I was an active proponent of increased transparency in the administration. I’ve been involved in a number of clubs across campus but now devote myself to my project team - Engineering World Health - as well as my position on the Student Assembly. If re-elected, I promise to continue to devote my time to voicing our collective opinions, but also to improving conditions within my college. I’d love to hear any of your feedback about what changes you’d like to see on campus. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at to talk!

Rhiana Gademsky (rsg248)

Photo of Rhiana Gademsky

Hi! My name’s Rhiana Gademsky and I’m a junior Operations Research major within the College of Engineering. I’ve served as the Engineering Representative for two years now as well as chaired the SA Dining Committee and SA Infrastructure Fund Committee. It’s been a great experience and definitely something that I want to continue next year! The life of an enginerd has enough problems as it is (i.e. the infinite loop of problem sets), we don’t need any more to burden our daily lives. That’s where I come in, I want to hear people’s concerns and be able to try and help. My main concern I want to address: -Lack of Communication: Through my work this year, I realized how few students know that they can make a difference on student life here. I want to open up a better stream of communication from the SA to the students to really hear what needs to be addressed. This is the most important area I hope to be able to impact if elected. Although I am campaigning abroad from London, feel free to Facebook message me or shoot me an email at to say hello, voice your concerns, or ask me about my platform!

Erinn Liu (zl375)

Photo of Erinn Liu

I am an Operations Research major running for the Student Assembly College of Engineering representative. This past year I served as a SA Freshman representative, and I worked in the Dining Committee, Appropriations Committee, and Infrastructure Committee. I love the Cornell community and really hope to represent your voices to make our lives on campus more convenient.

Below is my platform:

Study Facilities � More open study areas � Faster Wifi and more coverage � Laptop and phone charger rentals in Carpenter Library

FOOD � Longer operation hours at Mattin’s � SPECIAL COFFEE (not just drip coffee) offering � FRUIT vending machines

Duffield Hall: � More ALCOVES, WHITEBOARDS, CHALKBOARDS, DESKS and CHAIRS in the study areas � More COUCHES along the hallway and atrium � More ELECTRIC PLUGS for charging FUN � More SOCIAL EVENTS in Engineering Quad, especially when it’s warm outside, to help us meet more fellow engineers and create a close-knit community

VOICES � Add SUGGESTION BOXES to help us voice our opinions every one of you deserves to have your college years at Cornell be some of the best of your life.

I am here to listen to your concerns and make that dream a reality. Please vote Erinn Liu for Student Assembly!

Contact Elections

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715