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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

2015 Spring SAUA Profiles

Eddy Medina (eam364)

Photo of Eddy Medina

My name is Eddy Medina, a sophomore in the ILR school, and I am a candidate for the Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly. I hope to bring transparency and accountability to the relationship between students and the university. Also, I hope to be a part of passing resolutions at the UA level that are very much so relevant to our lives here on campus. I can promise you this by the end of my term as Undergraduate Rep to the UA should I be elected: you will know my face and myself because I will have made an active effort to develop and sustain a personal connection with as many students as possible. I want to represent OUR views not just MY views. I would be humbled to assume this position on the UA and hope to be extended the opportunity. Thank you.

Justin Cray (jgc232)

Photo of Justin Cray

As an undergraduate representative my goals would be to increase transparency and communication between the UA and undergraduates. By making undergraduates more aware of the UA’s proceedings and purview, we as the student body could more effectively utilize the UA to serve our needs. I’m Justin Cray, a freshman engineer who hopes to make the UA a method of change for undergrads. This can be done by taking steps to encourage undergraduate involvement and input such as posting minutes soon after meetings occur and publicizing UA initiatives via Cornell publications and social media. Serving on the SA’s communications committee, I have experience in how assemblies can effectively disseminate information. The UA addresses certain behavior policy and educational philosophy. As a member of the Greek system and project teams, I offer unique perspectives on these issues and thus could offer valuable input to the UA. As a freshman I can offer a different perspective alongside other student representatives and senior administrators. I hope to utilize my position on the UA to make significant and lasting change based on undergraduate needs. I feel I would be a great asset to both undergraduates and the entire university.

Matthew Battaglia (mab622)

Photo of Matthew Battaglia

Hi, I’m Matt Battaglia, a Junior in ILR and the current Executive Vice-Chair of the University Assembly. Last year I ran on the idea that the UA shouldn’t be the assembly no one’s ever heard of, and there were important changes to campus safety and oversight that needed to be made.

Over the past year I’m proud to say there’s been real progress. From helping to keep first year bus passes, to ensuring free speech rights on campus, the UA has become a more effective means of change. I’ve also worked to have more night lighting installed on North Libe Slope. This will vastly improve night visibility and safety when it is fully installed this May.

I have worked extensively behind the scenes. From working with the Judicial Administrator’s office ensuring students are treated fairly in the judicial process to meeting with the administration about financial transparency, tuition and fighting the health fee, I haven’t been afraid to make waves standing up for students. It’s a lot of time and effort, but I love what I do.

Not everything is where we’d like it to be, but progress is being made. With another year, building on the experience I’ve gained, I am confident we’ll be able to continue making positive change for all undergraduates.

Matt Indimine (mi235)

Photo of Matt Indimine

“You’re running for what…?.” “Is this like Student Council?” “What’s UA?”

The shear number of of times I’ve heard these during my petitioning period to get signatures is mind-blowing, and this brings me to my first mission as a University Assembly Undergraduate Representative, if elected. In order for students to get the most out of their education, there must exist an open means for communication and exchange of ideas and concerns between the undergraduate population and the administration. I intend to be a liaison to administration so that I may represent your voice when it comes to university decisions that affect us all.

Why Matt Indimine? What makes me a good candidate?

I have served on Student Assembly’s Ivy Council and Community Life Committee. I have been working on and following legislation from the developmental stage, of a single student’s concern, to its ultimate resolution form as a University policy.

Please feel free to contact me at with any questions or concerns you may have! Whether it be regarding the health fee, a general university policy, or simply wanting to meet for coffee, I would be more than happy to hear from you!

Contact Elections

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715