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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20080404 Minutes

Family Services Committee (Formerly Work Family Advisory Council) Meeting Notes from April 4, 2008

Present: Lauran Jacoby, Gwendolyn Dean, Kris DeLuca-Beach, Myra Sabir, Bill Liddick, Linda Starr, Tine Reimers, Michelle Artibee (guest), Rose Braman (scribe)

Updates: (from Michelle Artibee)

  • Day Hall Suite 101 is officially opened — “Work/Family Center”
  • Program Manager for Work/Family Programs was hired — Cassandre Joseph, today is her first day.
  • Center Director has been hired and will start on May 12th. Erin Doyle, her temporary office will be in Suite 101 until the center is opened.
  • Life Quality Newsletter — will be an insert in the Cornell Chronicle.
  • Information sessions for Grad/Professional Students were held in March and they were successful. Students were pleased about the equitable process with the lottery selection.
  • Interest forms and posters were given to committee members and it was requested that Rose send them the electronic version.
  • Lactation Policy being reviewed by the ERPG in May
  • In 2008–2009 Work/Life will offer a “show on the road” — scheduling 1 hr. overview sessions of work/life programs at Cornell University with Q&A time in a variety of buildings/departments.
  • Work/Life will hold sessions on completing the child care grant application in August to areas of campus that have requested assistance in this area.

I. Work Life Priorities to be added to original list

27. Emergency Child Care
28. Coordinating Spring Breaks with school districts
29. Networking program for staff to advance/expand their career
30. Offer specific life cycles session topics that can be brought into specific departments that request them
31. Caregiver information for other family members other than, spouse, parent, or child (ie. Sibling)
The committee has asked that the Work Life Priorities be categorized by topic. Rose will put this together and send to committee members for their input. We need to look at duplication of priorities. Clarification was asked on “leveraging H.R. Efforts”. This would be in line with the HR Strategic Plan and members wanted to look at this plan for clarification.

II. Selection of Family Services Committee Chair ~ Role of the committee chair needs clarification. Further clarification of the committee and its relations to the University Assembly, the Child Care Services Committee, and WDELQ was also requested. Members were not sure of the correlation. Suggested this be put on the next agenda and discussed with Lynette.

Next meeting May 5th @ 9:00 AM in Day Hall B12.

Family Services Shortcuts

Contact Family Services

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F