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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Agenda October 24, 1997

Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
October 24th, 1997
Big Red Barn Graduate & Professional Student Center Greenhouse
5:00 P.M.

I. Call to Order

R. Gary Hartz, President

II. Open Forum

III. Announcements

IV. Approval of GPSA Minutes

September 22, 1997

V. Introductions, Name Tags

VI. Business of the Day

  • Election of GPSA Secretary
  • Resolution to Support Assemblies’ Hockey Tournament
  • Issues for Leadership Meeting
  • Employee Degree Program
    • Flexibility of Graduate and Professional Study
  • Issues from meeting with Dean Cohen
  • Working with Constituent Assemblies
  • Ideas for improvements in relationship with University Committees
  • Data Access Policy
  • GPSA role in November 10, 1997, CR meeting

VII. Reports

VIII. Other

  • Monday Lunches with Dean Cohen

IX. Adjournment

Attachments: GPSA Minutes - September 22, 1997

Available at the Meeting:

GPSA Membership List (10–24–97)