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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Agenda February 9, 1998

Graduate & Professional Student Assembly Council of Representatives
February 9th, 1998
Big Red Barn Graduate & Professional Student Center Greenhouse
5:00 P.M.

I. Call to Order - Cheryl Heinz, Vice President

II. Open Forum

III. Announcements

A. GPSAFC Annual Budgets - Cheryl Heinz

IV. Business of the Day

A. Transportation Committee - Katrina Ellis, Stacey Kenyon

B. Incinerator/ Medical Waste Committee - Traci Battle, Ana Alcarez

C. NAGPS Membership - John Schwartz, Cheryl Heinz

D. Leadership Meeting Report - R. Gary Hartz

V. New Business

E. Committee to review policies - R. Gary Hartz

VI. Adjournment