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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Agenda March 9, 1998

Graduate & Professional Student Assembly Council of Representatives
March 9th, 1998
Big Red Barn Graduate & Professional Student Center Greenhouse
5:00 P.M.

I. Call to Order - Cheryl Heinz, Vice President

II. Open Forum

III. Announcements

A. Council of Representatives Spring Elections � Cheryl Heinz

IV. Election of a GPSA At—Large seat

V. Business of the Day

A. Committee reports

  1. Transportation committee � Stacey Kenyon and Katrina Ellis
  2. Committee to review policies regarding graduate student assistants � John Schwartz and Stefan Hames
  3. Campus Store committee � Stefan Hames and Andrew Skol

B. Insurance Review Committee � Cheryl Heinz and Gary Hartz

VI. Adjournment

Attachments: Council of Representatives Notes, February 9, 1998

Last Council of Representative meeting for 1997/98: Monday, April 13, 1998