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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

19991004 COR Minutes

Graduate and Professional Council of Representatives Notes October 4, 1999 Big Red Barn Graduate & Professional Student Center Greenhouse 5:00 p.m.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Pat Carr, GPSA Secretary, at 5:01 p.m.

Open Forum

Charles Marentette, JGSM, invited all members to become more involved in the process of setting the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee and to attend Funding Policy Committee meetings.  He then distributed a sample of a funding survey to members.  The survey will be conducted primarily by e-mail to the GPSA-L listserv.  He stated that the purpose of this survey is to get graduate and professional student feedback on participation and support of various organizations.  This information will help the Funding Policy Committee as they go through the funding process.  He requested that COR members help by disseminating the survey to their constituents and asked that they assist in getting these surveys back from their constituents.

Michael Cosh, Civil Engineering, invited members, especially professional students, to serve on the GPSAFC.  He stated that the meeting load was usually just one hour per month, and that the meeting times are flexible.

Bonnie Bailey, Office of the Assemblies, stated that she had tried to find an alternate meeting space for future COR meetings because of the cramped quarters in the Big Red Barn, but she was unable to find a location that met all of the various criteria she had.  The criteria used was that the room must be free of charge, allow food, have seating which would be conducive to roundtable meeting discussions, be large enough to accommodate the COR membership, and be available on the meeting dates and times already established for the 1999–2000 year. She stated that it probably will not be possible to move the meetings to another location unless some of the criteria were relaxed.

It was suggested that the Hagan Room in the Vet School might be available for the meetings.

Members did not respond enthusiastically to this suggestion due to its location. On the positive side, it was commented that parking would be less an issue than the current, more central, location of the Big Red Barn.  B.Bailey stated that the decision is really up to the COR and she will do what they wish.  If the COR decides to relax the criteria she might be better able to find an alternate meeting space for the remainder of this year.

Kevin Sherper-Walker, City and Regional Planning, suggested that meetings be held in a more informal fashion, and that “Robert’s Rules of Order” be set aside.  He believed that it might be more efficient to work in smaller groups.

Stefan Hames, President, noted that the meetings follow “Robert’s Rules of Order” as specified in the GPSA Charter, but the point is still well-taken.  He stated that usually ad-hoc committees are formed to concentrate on specific topics in more depth.  These ad-hoc committees then report back and make recommendations to the COR and GPSA.

K.Sherper-Walker stressed that the method of breaking off into smaller groups would be better because it allows the group to tap into member potential.

S.Hames replied that there are some basic items that the GPSA and COR must currently resolve, such as setting the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee and electing a new COR member-at-large.  The first item is going to take up a lot of time and both items must be done in the full group.

P.Carr stated that the executive committee could be opened up to talk about this subject.

Members agreed to this suggestion.

P.Carr elaborated that a special meeting to further discuss these issues could be scheduled.  He asked that interested members speak with him immediately after tonight’s meeting.

Announcements and Reports A) Assemblies Leadership Meeting S.Hames announced that the GPSA, at its last meeting, passed the charter amendments regarding the setting of the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee. He expressed the hope that President Rawlings would approve them, as all the changes suggested by the President were made. S.Hames announced that M.Cosh was elected as the chair of the GPSAFC at the last GPSA meeting.

S.Hames noted that the last Assemblies Leadership Meeting revolved around Student Assembly issues. The primary focus was a SA resolution asking for more information on costs and fees charged to students. The resolution requested that the administration prepare a list of fees and their uses, within 45 days, because students at Cornell are feeling like they are being “nickeled and dimed”. The administration responded that it needed more time to work on this. The administration will send out a list of fees, the SA will review them, and will send a group of students to meet with an administrator. S.Hames requested that COR members speak with him after the meeting if they would like to become more involved with this issue. He also requested that members ask their constituents if there are any fees that really bother them, and that they forward any related comments to him at that really bother them, and that they forward any related comments to him at

Peter Kaskan, Psychology and a GPSA member on the UA, reported that the Campus Climate Committee was discussed at the last UA meeting.  He reported that the Transportation Program Document was not passed by the UA because it felt that more information was needed.

B) Committee Vacancies

P.Carr stated that there are many vacant seats on committees.  These include: the Academic Integrity Committee, the Trustee Nominating Committee, the Faculty Advisory Committee on Athletics and Physical Education, and many more.  He requested that members either e-mail him at or B.Bailey at if they are interested in any of these positions.

C) Committee Reports

Chitkala Kalidas, Microbiology, reported that she is currently serving on the Committee on Dining Services.  She stated that last year Cornell Dining had hired a group of consultants to identify problems with its program, and these consultants have already issued a report on their findings.  The committee recently discussed this report.  The problems identified included: overcrowding on central campus facilities, inflexible meal plans, and high prices.  It was suggested that food carts be used to sell “grab-and-go” food.  C.Kalidas stated that the committee is currently looking into finding suitable locations for these carts.  She noted that considerations include changing the operating hours of Balch and Risley, or perhaps even closing them.  Robert Purcell Dining is currently the only facility that is doing well.

Members suggested that private sector restaurants be brought to campus, that the Dairy Barn allow more flexible payment, and that something be done about the environmental problems related to the food packaging.

C.Kalidas replied that the committee is exploring the possibility of using Big Red Bucks at Collegetown restaurants.

Krista Mowry, Nutrition, stated that the General Committee of the Graduate School is restructuring the Academic Integrity Standards for graduate students.  The school where the act took place will hold the hearings.  The committee will have one GPSA representative and one administrator serving on it.  She suggested that a pool of students be used to fill any positions that may come up in the course of the year, rather than appointing only one student.

D) Assemblies Advance Follow-Up

S.Hames stated that several events about diversity will be occurring on campus soon.  He requested that members e-mail him if they would like additional information.  S.Hames noted that the GPSA may have a climate survey for graduate students.  This survey would probably be modeled after the one used by the Johnson Graduate School.

Business of the Day A) Election of GPSA At-Large Member

P.Carr explained that the GPSA is the voting body of the Council of Representatives.  The GPSA meets once a month, and votes on resolutions.

B.Bailey added that there are 15 GPSA members, three of which are at-large seats.  She stated that the GPSA meets at the end of the month for one hour.  GPSA members are expected to attend both COR and GPSA meetings.

S.Hames explained that the immediate constituent group for the GPSA was the COR.

P.Carr opened the floor up to nominations for the At-Large vacancy.

Kevin Sherper-Walker was nominated for the position.

Krysta Levac was nominated for the position.

No other nominations were forthcoming and nominations were closed.

P.Carr invited the candidates to tell the COR about themselves and why they are interested in the position.

K.Sherper-Walker stated that he is in the Department of City and Regional Planning.  This is his first year serving on the COR.  He stated that he is interested in many issues, but he would like to pay special attention to organizational problems.  K.Sherper-Walker stated that he is interested in improving communication, designing an overall agenda for the year so that progress can be measured, and reviewing the ad-hoc committee structure.  He expressed his concern that members do not get to know one another in the course of the year.

Krysta Levac, Nutrition, stated that this is also her first year on the COR.  She would like to get more involved with the GPSA, and take a more active role in various issues.

The Council of Representatives voted for the new At-Large member of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly.

Kevin Sherper-Walker was elected to this position.

B.Bailey reminded all GPSA members that the next GPSA meeting is scheduled for the last Monday of the month.


The meeting was adjourned by P.Carr at 5:48 p.m.