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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20021209 COR Minutes

GPSA COR Meeting Notes December 9, 2002

I. Call to Order G. Hurley called the meeting to order at 5:05.

Members Present: Eric Breck, Lauren Mangiola, Cate Taylor, Robb Willer, Karsten Hueffer, Jutre Hodek, Sam Flaxman, Scott Allen, Anne McNeil, John Comeau, Andy Sfekas, Lauren Junker, Jonathan Hughes, Andrea Azuma, Nab Sharif, Florence Nherera, Stephan Braig, Virginia Augusta, Daniela Raik, Daniel Marques, Treven Wall, Heather Wynder, Gavin Hurley, Shaffique Adam, Joan Moriarty.

II. Open Forum V. Augusta wanted to give a report on her talks with Lynette Chappell-Williams from the Office of Workforce Diversity, Equality and Life Quality concerning child care. They discussed funding and a daycare facility, and would like to hold focus groups assessing what their needs are. Lynette also suggested that starting next semester, the group meet bi-weekly. She also suggested that the group look at all children, rather than focusing on children under the age of 5. They should also collect information from the Dean’s office for their efforts.

III. Announcements and Reports GPSA Update At the last GPSA meeting, the group discussed a resolution that was ultimately passed. It basically creates a committee that will be focusing on dental and optical coverage for grad students. After sending an email requesting interest in the group, the Executive appointed a committee of eight people: Cate Taylor (Human Development), Farbod Zadeh (Nutrition), Robb Willer (Sociology), Lauren Mangiolia (Chemical Engineering), Andrea Azuma (Nutrition), Gerod hall (Ecology) Sam Flaxman (Neurobiology and Behavior) and Joan Moriarty (ILR). An initial meeting will take place in January.

The GPSA also gave $100 to Funa Maduka, a student trustee, to organize a forum taking place at AAP. They also approved money for the ice time that Lauren will discuss in more detail later in the meeting.

Advisory Committee for the Status of Women V. Augusta started by explaining the Advisory Committee for the Status of Women. The committee was originally created by the president for advisory purposes pertaining to women’s issues. The group is now focusing on creating a list for the president that will be hired for next year. They have already started, and will continue going to various women’s groups on campus to find out what their top issues are. The request they are asking of these groups is to come up with what the top three issues for their group are. She will be forwarding more information in January.

Q Is the group looking for issues pertaining to grads in general, or women in their perspective fields?

The group is looking for all graduate issues.

Comment: This committee should connect with the group for women of color.

Other Updates

The GPSAFC will be meeting directly following this meeting.

There will be a Faculty Forum in Goldwin Smith Hall at 1:30 pm on Wednesday to discuss the creation of an electronic Super-Archive of research papers. Graduate and professional students are encouraged to attend.

IV. Business of the Day Holiday Can Drive L. Mangiola started by announcing today is the start of the Holiday Can Drive. She made fliers with all the details included. They are to be hung up in each person’s department, with the drop off spot filled in. Also, she brought boxed for all members to take and place in their departments for collection of goods. The deadline is December 19, by 6 pm. The boxes will need to be brought back to the Big Red Barn between 4 and 6 pm on the 19th. She also needs one more volunteer for the pick up date (Joan volunteered).

Q Where do the food drive boxes need to be brought?

Bring them to the Big Red Barn between 4 and 6 pm on December 19th.

January Ice Time L. Mangiola stated that the GPSA would be sponsoring ice time on January 19th, from 7 to 9 pm. This event will be free for any grad student with a student ID. Skate rentals will be $2. There will also be cookies and hot beverages provided. As with the can drive, the fliers for this event also need to be hung in all the departments. She also needs one additional volunteer for this event (Gavin volunteered).

For any question regarding the food drive or the ice time, contact L. Mangiola at

Activity Fee G. Hurley explained that the student activity fee is set every two years and he’d like to spend some time reviewing the process next semester. There are 11 byline funded groups, which present their budgets before the GPSA. The GPSA/ COR then reviews the budgets and decides exactly how much money to give each group. Right now, there is a rule in place that the Student Activity Fee must be set at an even dollar amount. This is a requirement the bursar would like to keep in place. Essentially, they find it hard for the printing of publications to include cents.

Basically G. Hurley thinks these are weak arguments, and would like to know what other people’s reactions are concerning this.

K. Hueffer thinks that this is actually a reasonable argument because it’s easier to ask people for a whole dollar amount.

V. G. Hurley adjourned the meeting at 5:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Katrina Nobles Office of the Assemblies