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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

2003 AY Action 01 Text

Resolution 1 Resolution on Executive Vacancy

Passed September 29, 2003

Whereas, the GPSA Charter makes no provision for filling the office of President, Vice-President, or Secretary other than at the regularly scheduled elections; and

Whereas, the Secretary elected in last spring’s election has graduated in August, leaving a vacancy in the office of Secretary; and

Whereas, the GPSA may not function fully and efficiently on behalf of graduate and professional students if a vacancy in the office of President, Vice-President, or Secretary cannot be filled;

Be it therefore resolved, that the GPSA Charter be amended as follows:

5.9 In the event that the President resigns from office or is unable to perform the duties of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the said office. In such a case, the Secretary may, if he or she so chooses, assume the position of Vice-President. If he or she does so, the GPSA voting members will elect a new Secretary. If the Secretary declines to become Vice-President, the GPSA will elect a new Vice-President from among its members.

5.10 Should the Vice-President resign from office or be unable to perform the duties of said office, the Secretary may, if he or she chooses, assume the position of Vice-President. If he or she does so, the GPSA voting members will elect a new Secretary. If the Secretary declines to become Vice-President, the GPSA will elect a new Vice-President from among its members.

5.11 In the event that the Secretary resigns from office or is unable to perform the duties of said office, the GPSA will elect a new Secretary from among its members.

5.12 Nominees to fill officer positions during the academic year shall be subject to a majority approval of GPSA voting members. Such elections will be held at regularly scheduled GPSA meetings. Should it become necessary to hold an officer election before the next regularly scheduled GPSA meeting, the person convening the meeting must receive written approval from at least two-thirds (2/3) of GPSA voting members. All GPSA and COR members must be notified of such an election at least one week before it is scheduled to occur.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian Holmes GPSA Finance Commission Chair