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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

2003 AY Action 03 Text

Resolution 3 Resolution Recommending to Add a Graduate and Professional Student-elected Trustee Passed November 24, 2003

Whereas, the composition of Cornell University’s Board of Trustees demonstrates a commitment to ensuring that various constituencies have a voice on the Board; and

Whereas, this commitment was demonstrated by the Board’s decision in 1971 to add five student trustees; and

Whereas, in 1982 the Board voted to reduce the total number of trustees from 62 to 42, in the process reducing the number of student-elected trustees from five to two; and

Whereas, in 2002 the Board voted to increase the number of members to 64, but left the number of student-elected trustees at two; and

Whereas, graduate and professional students have unique needs regarding faculty, departments, academic programs, tuition rates, and housing, financial support; and

Whereas, the demographics of the student population mean that the student-elected Board seats are almost always filled by undergraduates; and

Whereas, this is reflected in the fact that of 59 student trustees elected since 1971, only six have been graduate or professional students;

Be it therefore resolved that the GPSA recognizes the tireless efforts of past and current undergraduate student-elected trustees to represent graduate and professional students;

Be it further resolved that the GPSA nonetheless feels that the Board of Trustees’ commitment to ensuring that all constituencies have a voice requires adding a graduate and professional student-elected member;

Be it further resolved that the GPSA requests that the Board of Trustees Committee on Board Membership and the Board as a whole consider this recommendation;

Be it further resolved that the GPSA requests that President Lehman demonstrate his commitment to graduate and professional students’ needs by supporting this recommendation.

Respectfully submitted,

Gavin Hurley, GPSA President

David Schmale, GPSA Vice-President

Susannah Schmid, GPSA Secretary