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2003 AY Action 09 Text

Resolution 9 Clarify Membership and Responsibilities of GPSA Standing Committees

Whereas, the GPSA Charter states that the chairs and members of five GPSA standing committees shall be “appointed” or “approved” by the GPSA; and

Whereas, standing custom is for the GPSA voting members to elect the Funding Policy Committee and Finance Commission Chairs, for the Pay and Benefits Committee to select its own Co-Chairs, and for the Internal Operations and Elections Committees not to be staffed; and

Whereas, the GPSA Secretary is the only officer who does not chair a standing committee; and

Whereas, all the responsibilities assigned in the Charter to the Secretary are also charged to the Communications Committee (chaired by the Vice-President) or executed on a day-to-day basis by the staff of the Office of the Assemblies; and

Whereas, the GPSA values the work of its standing committees, which empower many students to do focused, detailed work on behalf of all graduate and professional students; and

Whereas, the GPSA wants to clarify the accountability and responsibility of standing committees and their chairs to the GPSA and the graduate and professional student body;

Be it therefore resolved that the GPSA Charter be amended as follows:

5.4 It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to communicate with the constituency, the other assemblies, and the public, including letters, news releases, and the Cornell Chronicle. It shall also be the responsibility of the Secretary to prepare and distribute minutes and agendas, and to maintain files of the GPSA as appropriate chair the Internal Operations Committee, to maintain accurate lists of members of the GPSA and Council of Representatives, and to notify the Elections Committee in a timely fashion of vacancies in GPSA offices, committee chairs, voting seats, or Council of Representative seats.

8.5 At the same meeting as the election of officers each spring, the GPSA shall elect by majority vote the Chairs of the Elections Committee, Funding Policy Committee, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Finance Commission, and Pay and Benefits Committee. Vacancies in standing committee chairs that occur during the academic year may be filled by majority vote at the next business meeting. If necessary, the Secretary may appoint an acting chair from among the committee’s members to serve until the new chair is elected.

8.6 Members of the Internal Operations Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. The Internal Operations Committee shall appoint members of the Elections Committee, Funding Policy Committee, Communications Committee, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Finance Commission, and Pay and Benefits Committee.

8.7 To ensure accountability and responsibility to the student body, each standing committee shall present a report to the GPSA at least once a semester.

Article 9 Standing Committees — Specific

The standing committees of the GPSA shall be: allow for focused, detailed work on issues of concern to the graduate and professional student body. Membership on standing committees involves a greater number of students in the work of the GPSA.

9.2 The Internal Operations Committee and its Chair shall be appointed by will be chaired by the Secretary of the GPSA. The Internal Operations Committee shall be responsible for reviewing procedures of the GPSA to see that they are in accordance with University and other necessary guidelines and making recommendations regarding these matters to the GPSA. This committee shall also process committee appointments, subject to review by the Executive Committee, and prepare necessary associated documents and application forms for appointments to both the GPSA, assemblies, and university committees.

9.3 The Elections Committee and its Chair shall be appointed by the GPSA. The Elections Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the election of GPSA members, reviewing and recommending election procedures to the GPSA, working to fill vacancies on the Council of Representatives, and verifying the election of Council of Representative members.

9.4 The Funding Policy Committee and its Chair shall be appointed by the GPSA. The Chair of the Funding Policy Committee shall be a member of the GPSA. The Funding Policy Committee will, in consultation with the SA, recommend the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee (GPSAF), as well as review and recommend policies and procedures for the use of the GPSAF allocations to the GPSA for approval. The Funding Policy Committee shall also recommend to the GPSA changes to the bylaws of the GPSAFC. It will also monitor the funding rules (Appendix A of the GPSAFC Bylaws) and funding maximums (Appendix B of the GPSAFC Bylaws) and recommend changes to the GPSA. The Funding Policy Committee shall coordinate hearings for GPSAF allocations and manage the internal funds of the GPSA. The Chair of the GPSAFC will serve on this committee.

9.6 The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Finance Commission, and its Chair shall be appointed by the GPSA. The GPSAFC shall be charged with allocating funds to all graduate and professional student organizations, as outlined in the Bylaws of the GPSA Finance Commission. Any changes to these bylaws shall be approved by a majority of the seated GPSA members. The Chair of the Funding Policy Committee will serve on the GPSAFC.

9.7 The Pay and Benefits Committee and its Co-Chairs shall be approved by the GPSA. At least one of the Co-Chairs of the Pay and Benefits Committee shall be a member of the GPSA. The Pay and Benefits Committee will be charged with investigating the needs and desires of graduate students regarding their pay and benefits, including but not limited to stipend levels, health insurance coverage and child care provision. The Pay and Benefits Committee will work in consultation with other relevant committees and interested parties.

Respectfully Submitted,

Harley Etienne Brian Holmes GPSA At-Large Representative GPSA At-Large Representative