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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

2003 AY Action Member


President — Gavin Hurley Vice President — David Schmale III Secretary — Susannah Schmid Funding Policy Chair — Larry Boyd GPSAFC Chair — Brian Holmes UA Reps — Kurt Massey, David Schmale III, & Vacant

NAME AREA FIELD ADDRESS PHONE E-MAIL Larry Boyd JGSM Business Management Sage Hall 216–410–2115 lrb4 Sam Flaxman Biological Sciences Neurobiology & Behavior W343 Mudd Hall 4–4370 smf7 Gavin Hurley Physical Sciences Operations Research 290 Rhodes Hall 5–2981 gjh22 Curtis Jirsa Humanities Medieval Studies 359 Goldwin Smith 5–1677 crj5 Lauren Mangiola Physical Sciences. Chem. Engr. 120 Olin Hall 256–3668 lbm9 Kurt Massey Social Sciences Landscape Architecture 401 Kennedy Hall 279–6175 kam74 Tim McConnochie Physical Sciences Astronomy 306 Space Sciences 5–6307 thm9 Mark McGuire Humanities Asian Religions 0113 Boldt Hall 3–1300 mpm24 Anne McNeil Physical Sciences Chem. and Chemical Bio. 365 S T Olin 5–8144 ajm42 Joan Moriarty Social Sciences Labor Economics 310 ILR 5–7622 jym1 Farbod Raiszadeh Biological Sciences Nutritional Sciences 207 Savage Hall 5–2691 fr32 David Schmale III Biological Sciences Plant Pathology 334 Plant Science 592–8280 dgs25 Susannah Schmid LAW Law Myron Taylor Hall 919–599–2536 sls222 Cate Taylor Social Sciences Human Development G61 MVR 327–2300 cjt23 Karen Trainor VET Vet Schurman Hall 257–4701 ket26 Ariana Vigil Humanities English 250 Goldwin Smith 592–4542 aev8 Robb Willer Social Sciences Sociology 335 Cascadilla St. #2 256–3297 rbw23

Office of the Assemblies 109 Day Hall 5–3715 Hope Mandeville Director hm16 Tammy Bishop Assembly Coordinator 5–7075 tlb26 Amy Huizinga Office Coordinator apb16 Katrina Nobles Assembly Coordinator kn64 Tyng Tsuei GPSA Student Clerk yt79

SAFC/GPSAFC Office 109 Day Hall 5–8274 Terry Ector Accounts Representative tle2 Loreen Geiger Accounts Representative lag9

Administrative Contacts Sunny Power Dean, Graduate School 350 Caldwell Hall Victoria Blodgett Assistant Director, Graduate Student Life 325 Caldwell Hall Philip McPheron Director, Graduate Student Housing Hasbrouck Community Center