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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20041025 Minutes

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Big Red Barn
October 25, 2004


Present: Jennifer Awrey, Ken Bedell, Anne Beggs, Geeta Bhadauria, Ruchira Bhattamishra, Kathy Crowley, Harley Etienne, Amanda Felkey, Sara Gomez-Ibanez, Sara Hernandez, Brian Holmes, Michelle Leinfelder, Tim McConnochie, Joshua Nelson, Kevin O’Neill, Anne Poduska, Amanda Soule

Excused: Carol Harbison


Others: D. Mitarotonda, T. Bishop, Y. Tsuei

I. Call to Order

B. Holmes called the meeting to order at 5:35p.m.

II. Open Forum

A. Poduska wanted to see old minutes however they were not on the web. There was a general consensus of having draft minutes on the GPSA website.

III. Approval of Minutes

A. September 27, 2004 — After a slight change, the minutes of Sept. 27 were unanimously approved

IV. Announcements and Updates

A. Council Update�H. Etienne

H. Etienne said that the deans visited and they gave an overview of the Grad school. Josh Katcher was there from the committee on trustees and talked about money issues and the issue of safety/transportation to Collegetown. He also talked about bus routes and how they will try to do something about it.

B. Leadership Meeting Update�B. Holmes

B. Holmes said that Dean Power and Hubbell were at the meeting. They talked about public safety issues which the undergrads are already taking action on.

Susan Murphy is in charge of the committee to look into safety off campus. They are trying to organize a walk around campus at night with staff and faculty to identify safety problems before and after the leaves fall.

J. Nelson mentioned that there were complaints to the Ithaca police about peepers and they were treated badly and did not make a big deal out of the issue.

C. Internal Operations Update�T. McConnochie

T. McConnochie said that campus safety committee is a big thing which B. Holmes had already covered. There are still vacancies in transportation, liaisons to faculty summit and liaisons to the SA, people should apply.

D. University Assembly Update�D. Mitarotonda

D. Mitarotonda gave an overview of the UA and their programs. It includes Gannet, the Cornell Store and the Cornell United Religious Service. They want to change the way things are happening.

The blue light buses were a big issue, the UA decided to have a UA committee that will be called to action when necessary

E. Other Updates

V. Business of the Day

A. Ivy Summit Report�B. Holmes

T. McConnochie, A. Poduska, J. Nelson and K. O’Neill attended the summit. Eight other schools were there and each person went to different sessions on different topics. B. Holmes is writing up a report and is going to post it on the website.

A. Poduska attended a session on student life. They talked about the ethics of surveying. There was not much information about dental plans, they were on the same boat as Cornell students. The transportation was dominated by Yale, the person who chaired this committee wants a compilation of information about transportation and to get people’s opinions.

K. O’Neill attended a session on social and cultural support. They discussed how to recognize diversity and support people of different classes, etc. To deal with social and professional loneliness they thought of having awards to promote grad/faculty mentorships. He said that Harvard and Yale have grad school centers with paid representatives.

J. Nelson attended a session on international grad student issues. They discussed academic and social integration. There are language barrier issues and not all of their needs are met. He said that we need international students to work on the council or GPSA.

T. McConnochie went to a session about governing and how we can be more effective. He learned a lot but none of it can really apply to us.

B. Holmes attended a session on the role of the Ivys in the Political Climate. He said that Cornell was a model for other schools because they debated on resolutions and were very long while Cornell’s are short and not much debate.

B. R. 3, Resolution Regarding Summer Blue Light Bus Service�T. McConnochie

T. McConnochie moved R. 3 and Sarah Hernandez second it. T. McConnochie then described R. 3.

A unanimous vote approved this resolution.

C. R. 4, Resolution Regarding the Medical School Executive Council�B. Holmes

B. Holmes discussed the reason for the resolution, that the Medical school people want to go to Ithaca to see the campus life. This resolution is to thank the Medical school and to work with them.

K. O’Neill motioned to approve and A. Beggs second it.

A unanimous vote approved this resolution.

D. Other business

VI. Adjournment

B. Holmes adjourned the meeting at 7:00p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
YuhLi Tsuei
Office of Assemblies