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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20041115 Minutes

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Council of Representatives
Big Red Barn
November 15, 2004
5:30–7:30 p.m.

I. Welcome

II. Open Forum

Peter M. from the history department planned on writing a letter to Olin library because it is difficult to get research done, and was wondering if other people were interested in working on it.

A. Beggs said that there is an official committee about library issues (the student library advisory council) and they are dealing with noise and garbage issues. She said some solutions were to provide more study space for undergrad students and that people need to enforce the quiet.

III. Olin Lecture — Graduate School

A professional speaker is going to be invited to speak to the Graduate school. The council was asked to write names of people they were interested in hearing.

IV. Assembly Update — B. Holmes

B. Holmes brought up that people went to the Ivy Summit. He said that a resolution was passed with the Cornell Medical School in NY thanking them and having a liason to the GPSA.

B. Holmes said another resolution was passed about the summer bluelight bus service and issues regarding that. The UA is working with TCAT about it.

V. Forum on Public Safety at Cornell - Visit from Lt. Dave Nazer, Supervisory, Investigative and Crime Prevention Units, Cornell Police

Lt. Dave Nazer introduced himself. He said that he had put on programs for students on safety and alcohol.

Lt. Nazer said he could only tell the council about preliminary stuff about the collegetown creeper. He discussed how the creeper was caught.

Lt. Nazer said that there are many opportunities for criminals in collegetown. There are open windows and doors, people need to be more vigilant.

B. Holmes brought up the issue of cops checking seatbelts on an area near the A lot and golf course and whether or not it is part of campus and it the police have the right to do that.

Lt. Nazer replied that the cops can give tickets as NY state.

Somebody asked what should be done if somebody finds a creeper in their room.

Lt. Nazer said that there are self defense courses being offered. If the creeper has a weapon, do what they tell you to do. He said that the current creeper liked to startle people and watch people wake up. Lt. Nazer said the best thing to do is to scream and to call the police as soon as possible.

A. Beggs said that students need awareness and need to be educated and that Ithaca is a city, not a cow pasture. People mentioned how Olin library is very dangerous and that the bathrooms are dark and the stacks are dark. They said that the administration hasn’t done anything about that.

Lt. Nazer said that they are trying to get officers more visible and do more walks.

Victoria brought up that the police also fits children’s car seats.

VI. Report-back on Campus Walk-Around — H. Etienne and James Constantin, office of Planning, Design and Construction

J. Constantin said that concerning the library issue, reinventing the area will cost $85 million. He said student input is very important.

H. Etienne described the areas that they did the walk-around. It was very useful and informative.

J. Constantin said that they did an intensive study of the Arts Quad. The center will never be illuminated because it might give up the quality of the quad. There will not be a stadium effect because they need to maintain aesthetics. He is talking to a lighting designer. J. Constantin said that the university chooses not to light every pathway, they only light the most important paths.

H. Etienne said that it is difficult to get to the barn. He said that lighting on the staircase is needed.

J. Constantin said that they don’t want to develop a space for people to hide, that’s why there is no light in vegetative spaces. He said to go to the planning department to decide what to do.

Victoria said that it is not acceptable about the fear people have on campus. She said to screw design! Because fear is more important.

J. Constantin said that bright lights are bad because eyes have to adjust which can cause danger.

Michelle said that some building entrances are dimly lit and that they need lighting around fences of Mann library.

J. Constantin said that they should walk it.

Somebody made a suggestion of having light maps or signs for “designated night paths.”

Other people suggested that maybe there should be a safety program that helps students to get to know the campus.

VII. Presentation by Phil McPheron, Director of Graduate and Professional Student Housing

P. McPheron said that the Grad students have staff to help the Grads. He said some background information about housing. P. McPheron said that Cornell is not going to build more Grad Student housing because Cornell is busy with building undergrad housing in West Campus.

P. McPheron said that people can report complaints to RPU. He also said that the vacancy rate of off-campus housing in the center of collegetown is 0% and that the vacancy rate is higher outside of that area.

VIII. Committee Updates

a. Internal Operations — T. McConnochie

T. McConnochie said that they need volunteers in the Pay and Benefits committee. He also read other areas where volunteers are needed.

b. Pay and Benefits — A. Poduska

A. Poduska said that she was handing out a survey about various issues.

IX. Student Fees Review Survey — A. Soule and K. O’Neill

7000 people completed the survey. The survey closes on 11/22

X. Adjournment

H. Etienne adjourned the meeting at 7:02 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
YuhLi Tsuei
Office of the Assemblies