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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20041129 Minutes

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Big Red Barn
November 29, 2004

I. Call to Order

B. Holmes called the meeting to order at 5:38p.m.

II. Open Forum

G. Bhadauria asked about courses and professors.

III. Approval of Minutes

A. October 25, 2004 — changes were made to the minutes and then approved.

IV. Announcements and Updates

A. Council Update — H. Etienne

H. Etienne said at the last council meeting there was a full house. He gave an overview of visits by the CU police and designer, and Phil McPheron on graduate housing. There were good comments during the meeting and it was engaging.

B. Holmes said it was a very informational meeting.

B. Pay and Benefits Committee Update — A. Poduska

A. Poduska said that they are putting together a survey and it will be handed out next week. She said that constructive comments are needed and they are clearing the survey through a professor.

C. University Assembly Update — D. Mitarotonda

D. Mitarotonda said at the UA meeting Constantin and the CU police officer was also there. They talked about safety and buses. There will be a task force of 8 members to focus on campus things. The SA dealt with off campus issues.

Concerning the summer blue light buses, a decision to cut the route were made a year in advance before it was cut. TCAT had an open forum meeting (ad was in Cornell daily sun) about it, but nobody went.

D. Mitarotonda said the UA not be the best group to deal with TCAT in the future because they don’t have as much say.

There is a mailing list for TCAT to announce public forums about route changes.

B. Holmes thinks TCAT should notify assemblies in which information will be passed to constituents.

P. McPheron said the route was cut because TCAT was in debt and had low ridership.

A. Beggs asked whether or not CU and TCAT would have a shuttle service.

D. Mitarotonda talked about the Jan 1 increase in fines (which was decided on last year).

D. Other updates

H. Mandeville would like somebody to be on the trustee committee.

R. Bhatttamishra introduced Joe Woody (GPSAFC member) and appointed him as vice chair.

V. Old Business

A. Uniform Tuition — A. Felkey, D. Shawhan

D. Shawhan said that the tuition changes seem to be tabled for now but this issue is not gone, it will be in effect later. CU statutory graduate colleges compete with other statutory colleges and public universities. If the tuition is changed there would be big revenue loss and students for CU because it will be too expensive for many.

A. Felkey said that the already endowed will be grandfathered in and that we need to inform people who will be affected.

G. Curtis said that all groups in assemblies should get together and do something.

VI. New Business

A. Dental Plan concerns — A. Poduska

A. Poduska hopes to prioritize things with the survey. She wants comments on how to approach dental plan concerns.

B. Possible GPSA events — B. Holmes, M. Leinfelder, J. Vertesi

B. Holmes wants an event to socialize (council and GPSA) because they are always so busy doing work. He was thinking of having it at the end of the semester. Some possible ideas were ice skating or bowling.

J. Vertesi thinks there should be a March/April Spring Ball (formal)

V. Blodgett said ice skating and Helen Newman is already reserved for orientation (spring). She said she will help with the details of the ball if GPSA helps with press and decorations.

C. Funding request — Pay and Benefits survey — K. O’Neill

K. O’Neill described funding request to support the survey for the Pay and Benefits Committee.

K. Bedell second the request and K. O’Neill moved the request. 14 people were in favor of the funding request (unanimous vote).

VII. Adjournment

B. Holmes adjourned the meeting at 7:00p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
YuhLi Tsuei
Office of Assemblies