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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20050404 Minutes

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Big Red Barn
April 4, 2005
5:30–7:00 p.m.

I. Call to order

B. Holmes called the meeting to order at 5:43pm

II. Open Forum

V. Blodgett said that she met with the council of Cornell Women. They were interested in talking with Cornell grad women.

G. Bhadauria said she was very interested in food fests and was wondering if there could be a central website to see where and when events happened.

B. Holmes said that he wanted to have that also in the past but it is very difficult to have.

T. Bishop said there is a website of Cornell events or the university calendar.

S. Hernandez suggested to send out e-mails to people to remind them to add stuff to the calendar.

III. Approval of Minutes

a. February 28, 2005

One spelling change was adopted unanimously.

IV. Announcements and Updates

a. Council Update — H. Etienne

H. Etienne said that resolutions were presented to the council. The council talked about the Pay and Benefits survey. 45% of the grad students responded and 15% of the professional students responded.

H. Etienne said there was a good turnout at the meeting and that they also discussed the ball.

b. Grad Ball Update — M. Leinfelder

M. Leinfelder said that they need volunteers to take tickets and staff for coat check. 106 tickets were sold for the ball.

M. Leinfelder said she hoped people go the FAQ e-mail about the grad ball to dispel any myths about the ball and to bring people in.

c. Office of the Assemblies Update — B. Holmes

B. Holmes commended people who have worked hard in the Office of Assemblies as a result of changes within the office.

d. Elections Reminders — B. Holmes

B. Holmes said that they are going to break into caucuses on April 11 and April 25. He said that people should notify the GPSA whoever is representing your field.

V. New Business

For R. 7 an amendment was made to change the last resolve clause. There was a unanimous vote for the amendment. Then there was a unanimous vote in favor of the resolution. Then the resolution was passed.

B. Holmes said that the assembly could not vote on the resolutions because there were not enough people. But he was able to make amendments.

B. Holmes talked about R. 8, and R. 14 and made more amendments for it.

VI. Adjournment

B. Holmes adjourned the meeting at 7:01pm.

Respectfully submitted,
YuhLi Tsuei
Office of the Assemblies