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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20050425 Minutes

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Big Red Barn
April 25, 2005
5:30–7:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order

B. Holmes called the meeting to order at 5:43 p.m.

II. Open Forum

People mentioned information about various meetings that will be held tomorrow (4/26)

III. Approval of Minutes

A. April 4, 2005

One change was made to the minutes and then it was unanimously adopted.

IV. Announcements and Updates

A. Council Update — H. Etienne

H. Etienne said that he talked about Josh’s financial aid issue with Dean Powell and she said that she is also concerned with it and will look into it.

B. End-of-Year BBQ — T. McConnochie

The issue was discussed later in the meeting with the funding request.

C. Victory Party, Barneys, Special May Meeting — B. Holmes

B. Holmes said that the party will be in the Big Red Barn on May 2 and many people are invited.

B. Holmes said that the Barneys will be the 1st GPSA award. It is named after their favorite building on campus.

B. Holmes said that there will be a special May meeting on May 16 at 5:30–7:00 p.m. He said that the GPSA needs to discuss strategy for next year.

D. Other announcements and updates

There were no other announcements and updates.

V. Old Business

A. R. 12, Resolution Regarding the Propriety of Voting by the GPSA President — B. Holmes

B. Holmes moved R. 12 and A. Beggs seconded it. B. Holmes explained the resolution. The resolution passed with a unanimous vote of 14 people.

B. R. 13, Resolution Regarding the Procedure for Filling Vacant Assembly Seats — A. Poduska

A. Poduska moved R. 13 and J. Vertesi seconded it. A. Poduska explained the resolution. The resolution passed with a unanimous vote of 15 people.

C. R. 14, Resolution Regarding the Representation of Graduate Students in Master’s Programs — S. Hernandez

S. Hernandez moved R. 14 and G. Bhadauria seconded it. S. Hernandez explained the resolution.

S. Hernandez moved the second possible amendment to R. 14 and G. Bhadauria seconded it. S. Hernandez explained the amendment. There was a unanimous vote of 15 people in favor of the second amendment to R. 14.

H. Etienne called attention that they need to provide some kind of provision so that people can prove that they are masters students.

R. 14 passed with a unanimous vote of 15 people.

VI. New Business

A. Funding Request — End-of-Year BBQ and Summer TGIF — T. McConnochie and K. O’Neill

T. McConnochie said some background information about TGIF and the GPSA funding it.

K. O’Neill said that everything has been approved and that they just need people to vote on it.

The BBQ will be on May 13.

14 people were in favor of making the allocations with a unanimous vote.

B. Funding Request — Victory Party — B. Holmes and K. O’Neill

B. Holmes moved the request and A. Poduska seconded the request.

B. Holmes described the Victory Party and that he initially asked for $500 to fund the party but there were many responses for the party so he wanted to request an extra $300 for backup. Therefore the GPSA needed to vote if they want to allocate more than $500. This is GPSA money not GPSAFC.

B. Holmes said that they are having this event for the trustees and the party is a good chance for people to interact with each other.

10 people were in favor of allocating $300 reserve for the party. 2 people opposed and 3 abstentions. The request was passed.

C. R. 15, Resolution Regarding Amendments to the GPSAFC Bylaws — K. O’Neill

K. O’Neill moved R. 15 and B. Holmes seconded it.

K. O’Neill explained R. 15.

B. Holmes wanted to make a small amendment to the resolution. Josh wanted to make a small amendment to the resolution. There were no objections to both amendments.

A. Soule said she was uncomfortable about voting on the resolution today because the resolution is long and it’s not enough time to review the resolution and process the information. J. Vertesi agreed.

J. Nelson wanted to postpone the voting for this resolution until May 16th meeting. B. Holmes 2nd it. There were no objections to this proposal.

VII. Adjournment

B. Holmes adjourned the meeting at 6:52 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
YuhLi Tsuei
Office of the Assemblies