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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20051017 Council Minutes

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Council of Representatives
Big Red Barn
October 17, 2005 5:30–7:00 p.m.

I. Welcome

A. Beggs introduced herself and briefly explained the COR and GPSA.

II. Open Forum

G. Curtis asked about a Day Hall room that was supposed to be refurbished dedicated to graduate students. She said she would also like to work with people on problems that Masters students have uniquely. Next she mentioned that she is still coordinating international students friendship partners. The international students would like to partner with people for cultural/social relationship..

III. External Committee

A. Beggs listed other external committees, and briefly talked about it. She asked if there was any news of external life, and there were no reports.

IV. Internal Committee Reports

a. Funding Policy — Al Fatale

A. Fatale talked about goals and how the committee works. He went over the draft of the FPC Student Activity Fee recommendations and explained changes in the funding.

Mary Fessenden and Chris Riley (Managers, Cornell Cinema) explained why they are looking for a $2 increase in funding and the necessary ticket-price increase if they don’t get the SAF increase. They also talked about where they are going for funding.

GPSA members were allowed to ask questions about funding.

T. McConnochie described the voting process to vote for funding.

Mike Schmidli made a motion that Cornell Cinema should get a full increase. A member seconded.

T. McConnochie motioned to vote, and A. Fatale 2nd it. 24 were in favor, 8 opposed: majority ruled and the COR agreed to recommend a $2 increase for Cornell Cinema.

The International Students Programming Board representatives also came to the meeting and they invited people to join the board. They explained the ISPB’s activities and why their funding request has increased so much.

Jon Bellante from the Cornell University programming Board spoke briefly, describing the different performances the UPB sponsors.

Al Fatale talked about GPSA funding. T. McConnochie explained where the money went to, including the former allocation of GPSA funds to Big Red Barn activities such as Summer TGIF and the End-of-the-Year BBQ. These activities are now funded out of the BRB’s budget, so $0.75/fee allocation of GPSA funds are now freed for the GPSA spending account. Levke Haas of the Events Committee explained some of the events that the committee is planning and asking for the suggested GPSA funding increase, which will go towards the Events Committee sub-account.

Marco Caporicci suggested balancing the $2 increase in the Cornell Cinema allocation with a $1 decrease in the allocation to the Big Red Barn and the GPSA accounts, keeping the full Activity Fee recommendation to $66 rather than $68 dollars.

A. Beggs suggested that the Council vote for a recommendation of a $66 dollar Student Activity Fee in lieu of a $68 SAF. A. Fatale motioned, A. Beggs 2nd it. 23 votes were in favor of recommending a $66 SAF to the GPSA, and 3 were opposed.

b. Finance Commission — Yu Yu

c. Pay & Benefits — Jeff Sullivan

d. Events — Levke Haas (spoke during the Student Activity Fee discussion)

V. Greek Peak Ticket Situation

VI. Issues and Campaigns: Planning future visitors

VII. Ivy Summit Report

VIII. Adjournment

Other issues on the agenda were not covered because funding was the main focus. A. Beggs adjourned the meeting at 7 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
YuhLi Tsuei
Office of the Assemblies