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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20051024 Assembly Minutes

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Big Red Barn
October 24, 2005 5:30–7:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order
T. McConnochie called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

II. Open Forum
There was no open forum.

III. Approval of Minutes
Sept. 26, 2005
A few corrections were made to the Draft of the minutes and then they were approved.

IV. Election of University Assembly Representative
T. McConnochie announced that Gwen Curtis needs to step down from her position as a University Assembly Representative due to a scheduling conflict that will prevent her from attending all of the meetings.

J. Vertesi talked about 3 different committees involved with the UA that graduate students can participate in. She said that although there are 3 voting members, we need more graduate students to participate.

Sean Boutin was nominated and Huhnkie Lee was nominated as UA representatives. There were no objections to closing nominations.

Each person gave a 2 minute speech and assembly members asked them questions.

S. Boutin won the election and is now the 3rd voting member of the UA.

V. Committee Reports
Executive Committee (Tim McConnochie)
T. McConnochie talked about the Ivy Summit. He said that they are in the process of putting a comprehensive report of what happened at the summit.

D. Shawhan talked about the faculty senate report.

T. McConnochie announced that Tammy Bishop has left the Office of Assemblies and went to the Ornithology Lab staff.

Funding Policy Committee (Al Fatale)
A. Fatale described the SAF funding recommendations to the Assembly. Assembly members asked questions about the policy for clarification and discussed various issues concerning funding.

VI. Old Business
Activities Fee Setting
T. McConnochie explained the voting process.

The assembly voted on each by-line individually. G. Curtis moved to override this procedure by voting it all at once and then discussing the overall amounts. [?] seconded.

A. Fatale said that this motion can go forward if assembly members do not need more clarification.

There was a unanimous vote that the procedure has been overrided. G. Curtis moved to accept the inclusion of all 11 items (not the numbers). J. Woody second it. There was a unanimous vote to accept all 11 items to vote for.

J. Woody would like to make an amendment to having 50 cents from the GPSAFC to the Big Red Barn. J. Sullivan second it.

J. Siewert recommended a decrease in the recommended funding.

A. Fatale motioned to postpone the discussion until Nov. 27. There were no objections to adjourning until Nov. 27.

VII. New Business
No new business was discussed.

VIII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
YuhLi Tsuei
Office of the Assemblies