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20051128 Assembly Minutes

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Big Red Barn
November 28, 2005
5:30–7:30 p.m.

I. Call to Order
T. McConnochie called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.
II. Open Forum
There were no announcements for open forum.
III. Approval of Minutes
a. October 24, 2005
The October 24 minutes were unavailable.
IV. New Business
T. McConnochie asked if there were any objections to considering the Convocation and Slope Day funding requests prior to continuing with discussion of the activities fee. There were no objections.
a. Funding Request � Convocation
John V. and Mike came and described the convocation ceremony and why they needed funding from graduate students.

A. Beggs wanted to make an amendment to the motion to change the proposed allocation to be $12,850 T. Saha? Second it. The amendment was unanimously amended.

J. Woody made a motion to table the discussion until later. A. Fatale second it. 13 were in favor, 1 was opposed to set it aside.
b. Funding Request � Slope Day
Kristen gave a background of slope day and how much funding is needed and how it is calculated.

T. McConnochie made a motion, $15,000 for the slope day committee. M. Bhaduria made a motion to amend the motion of $15,000 to 4,000 and A. Beggs second it. 9 people were for amending the motion and 5 against it. The motion is now for $4,000.

J. Woody moved to set the discussion aside, J. Vertesi second it. 12 in favor of setting it aside. 3 not in favor of setting it aside, it was set aside.
V. Old Business
a. �06-�08 Activities Fee
The motion on the floor was to move 50 cents from GPSAFC to Big Red Barn. A. Beggs move to close the debate on the motion that was on the floor. A. Fatale second it. 12 in favor, 3 opposed. The amendment carried and 6.50 was given to the big red barn.

Saha made a motion to amend to move $1 from Cornell Cinema to Big Red Barn. Major second it. A. Fatale made a motion to call the question, Yu Yu second it. 3 was in favor of amendment and 12 against it. The amendment failed.

A. Beggs made a motion to amend the big red barn allocation to $7.50. Saha second it.

Saha made a motion to amend the amendment, instead of adding to total, $1 to big red barn comes from GPSAFC. Zuoming second it. 2 were in favor, the amendment failed.

5 people were in favor of adding $1 to big red barn and 9 opposed, the motion failed.

J. Vertesi proposed a motion to add 50 cents to big red barn. Saha second the motion. 8 was in favor of 50 cents to big red barn, 6 opposed, 1 abstained, and the motion passed.

T. McConnochie moved to extend the meeting time to 7:20pm. ? seconded the motion. 10 were in favor and 2 opposed, the motion was passed.

Calling the question, it was voted and passed.

A. Fatale moved to add $3 to GPSA byline for total of $69.50. 10 were in favor, 4 opposed, and the motion passed.

T. McConnochie extended the meeting to 7:30pm. 12 were in favor and 1 opposed, the motion passed.

A motion was made to add 50 cents to Big Red Barn. ? seconded. 7 were in favor and7 opposed, the motion failed.

J. Vertisi proposed an amendment to remove $1.50 from GPSA for total of . ? seconded. 5 were in favor and 6 opposed, the amendment failed.

T. McConnochie extended the meeting to 7:40pm. 12 were in favor and1 opposed, the motion passed.

A. Fatale made a motion to add 50 cents to GPSA byline. ? seconded. 7 were in favor, 6 opposed, the motion passed.

A. Fatale proposed a final vote on the activity fee. ? seconded. ? called the question. 7 were in favor, 6 opposed, the motion to close debate failed.

A. Fatale moved to close debate on the activities fee. There were no objections.

A vote was made on passing the activity fee at $70.00. 10 were in favor, 3 opposed, and the motion passed.

The meeting was extended by 5 minutes to 7:45pm with no objections.

A. Fatale moved to continue the discussion on slope day and convocation. ? seconded.

$7500 first year, based on contingency assumption of $15000 next two years. for Slope Day.

The vote on this years funding for Slope Day was tabled to the next GPSA meeting.

The meeting was extended by 10 minutes to 7:55pm with no objections.
VI. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
YuhLi Tsuei
Office of Assemblies