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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20060130 Assembly Minutes

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Big Red Barn
January 30, 2006 5:30–7:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order
T. McConnochie called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.

II. Announcements
III. Open Forum
There was no open forum.

IV. Approval of Minutes
Oct. 24, 2005
The minutes were approved with no objections.

Nov. 28, 2005
The minutes will be discussed at the next meeting to try and fill in some blanks.

V. Election of Pay & Benefits Committee Chair
Zuoming Wang gave a summary of what the Pay and Benefits Committee is about.

No nominations were made.

VI. Old Business
Funding request from the Slope Day Programming Board
G. Curtis moved that the members go into executive session. There is one objection to having executive session.

M. Walsh made a motion to include Peggy Beach, Ari Epstein and Doug Mitarotonda to be part of the executive session. The amendment carried.

J. Vertesi made an amendment to allow the council of representative members to join the session. The amendment carried.

The amendment passed for going to executive session.

M. Walsh made a motion to leave executive session, and there were no objections.

J. Vertesi made a point that what occurred on Nov. 28 was a direct violation of the charter. T. McConnochie ruled that the point was out of order because they need to be made when the violation occurs. An appeal was made.

The assembly discussed the timeliness issue.

In favor of the Chair�s ruling: 4
Opposed: 8
The chair�s ruling is overturned.

G. Curtis moved to extend meeting time 15 minutes. Seconded. Meeting time is extended by 15 minutes.

T. McConnochie ruled that the point was out of order because the action of Nov. 28 was not in violation of the charter. J. Vertesi made an appeal. T. McConnochie clarified that the issue is the constitutionality of the amendment made at the Nov. 28 meeting which added $3 to the GPSA by-line allocation in the activities fee.

T. McConnochie, as chair, opened and closed the discussion. A. Fatale further explained. J. Vertesi responded. G. Curtis called for more transparency. People shared their reactions to the action.

S. Sanders said that this was really confusing and that he believes having a �slush� fund for GPSA�(remainder of comments not recorded)
D. Cameron taking minutes from this point on as YuhLi Tsuei could not stay past 7:00 PM.
Vote made on the point of order: if you are opposed to ruling of chair, then the Nov. 28 motion to add $3 to the GPSA by-line allocation in the GPSAF is revoked as unconstitutional, reducing fee to $67, and per the Charter the amount must be rounded up to an even amount. This will allocate $1 to GPSAFC (which cannot fund Slope Day), and bring total fee to $68. Then a new GPSAF Letter of Recommendation to the University President will be written, stating the motions made and voted upon at this meeting, and stating the new recommended total fee.

Clarification made: this vote does not pertain to every allocation, just the specific allocation that was moved to be unconstitutional, thereby changing the overall Activity Fee amount.

Vote on Chair�s ruling, that the GPSA by-line allocation voted on on Nov. 28 is valid:
5 in favor
7 opposed
Chair is overruled. Fee is reduced to $67, $1 added to GPSAFC; Total recommended GPSAF = $68.

G. Curtis moved to extend the meeting by 15 min; 7 in favor; 5 opposed. Vote of chair is opposed.

Motion on floor is to allocate $4000 for Slope Day 2006.
VII. New Business
VIII. Adjournment
A. Fatale moved to adjourn the meeting. There were no objections.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
YuhLi Tsuei
Office of the Assemblies