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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20060227 Assembly Minutes

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Big Red Barn
February 28, 2006 5:30–7:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order
T. McConnochie called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.

II. Approval of Minutes
Nov. 28, 2005
The minutes were approved with no objections.

Jan. 30, 2006
The minutes were approved with no objections.

III. Elections
GPSA Secretary
There were no new nominations for secretary. There were no objections to closing nominations for secretary. M. Walsh is the new secretary.
Pay and Benefits Committee Chair
J. Leung was the only nomination. There were no objections to closing nominations. J. Leung is the new pay and benefits committee chair.

IV. Reports
Campus Code of Conduct � Barbara Krause
B. Krause gave an update on campus code of conduct. She said that the campus code of conduct is very hard to understand, and a very dense document, so they are rewriting the code.
B. Krause said that it is really hard to rewrite the code of conduct. She is trying to get input from people familiar with the code, so they can draft the document and draft a report (with people�s opinions/suggestions).
B. Krause is the senior advisor to the president. She was asked by President Rawlings to do this and he will decide what will be done.
A. Beggs wanted to know if there were specific sections of the codes that were going through substantial revision.
B. Krause said the code is very legalistic, like a penal code. She got feedback suggesting it�s not a good approach because it is too similar to the criminal justice system. B. Krause said there might be a different model, and it will look a lot different but will still have fundamental fairness.
Somebody wanted to know if it useful for TA�s to know the code of conduct. They also suggested handouts summarizing the code of conduct.

GPSA Annual Report to Board of Trustees
G. Hall asked why the word �reported� was italicized in the 4th bullet under pay and benefits survey report.
T. McConnochie said it means that there isn�t an outside measurement of their incomes, that it was only reported. There were no objections to de-italicizing �reported.�
M. Walsh gave the first motion to approve the report. A. Fatale second it. 13 were in favor. 0 opposed.

Transportation Referendum
There was a summary handed out.
T. McConnochie said that as a result of the �Red-buds� agreement, in July, the university agreed to do a referendum to ask about transportation and parking on campus.
J. Vertesi said the president charged the various assemblies to do something, the UA was supposed to run forums, GPSA supposed to run referendum, etc. People were unclear about what they were supposed to be doing. Therefore they decided to have survey to try and coordinate everyone who is working on this together.
T. McConnochie didn�t believe the survey was a good referendum. He demanded a total population survey, a survey that will go to all graduate students.
T. McConnochie suggested a motion to have the survey approved by sitting assembly members by e-mail because the GPSA won�t be able to have a meeting to approve the survey before the deadline. They need to discuss the content of questions and decide whether or not questions are ambiguous. They are voting on whether or not we approve of our section of the survey.
A Beggs said she noticed there are different types of questions and wanted to know what type of questions will be on the survey. T McConnochie said he was unsure, and will possibly have all different types of questions rather than only yes/no questions.
J. Vertesi moved that we request that the survey be submitted to the GPSA before Monday the 13th council meeting so that the assembly may call an emergency session after the 3/13 council meeting. 11 were in favor, 2 opposed. The motion was passed.
K. Nagel made a motion to allow email voting, if and only if absolutely necessary. M. Caporicci seconded it. 9 were in favor, 3 opposed and the motion passed.

Events Committee funding request
J. Vertesi gave out a preliminary budget projection for the GPSA Spring Ball. She decided to grow the event this year. J. Vertesi said the projected sponsorship is not included in the budget. She requested for up to $7000 of funding, and is hoping for the whole amount just in case.
A. Beggs moved to vote on the funding request. M. Walsh seconded it. In favor of allocating 7k for grad ball was 11 and 1 opposed. The motion was passed.

V. Open Forum
K. Novakofski said that there needs to be more students to attend meetings for the hearing board about the code of conduct. She said that if anyone is interested in being on the hearing board to contact Peggy Beach at <mjb15>.

D. Mitarotonda said that trustee nominating committee has 4 candidates. Three of which are undergrad students and 1 grad. He said it is just a 2 day voting period and it is very important to vote.

Six representatives from Hasbrouck apartments appeared to announce their petition against campus life�s decision to housing undergrads. They say that campus life is justifying their decision b/c of vacancies. The representatives think the reasons are misleading.
They think mainly the campus is trying to earn revenue. If that is the case they should be upfront about it.
A. Beggs said if people want something done, they need to draft a resolution that represents our opinion on this. But the GPSA can�t make an administrative decision.
A. Beggs made a motion that the GPSA notify the Office of Campus Life and Division of Student and Academic Services to let them know of the GPSA�s disapproval of the decision to house traditional undergraduates in Hasbrouck and that the GPSA strongly urges Campus Life to reconsider its decision. M. Bhadauria second it.
S. Boutin made a motion to amend the motion, A. Beggs approved the amendment: the GPSA would like to inform office of campus life, the division of student services, and the board of trustees etc.
Gwen made an amendment, A. Beggs accepted the amendment: that the GPSA strongly urges Campus Life to halt contract negotiations with undergraduates and to consider other options.
The final motion is:

�The GPSA wishes to notify the Office of Campus Life and the Division of Student and Academic Services, as well as the Board of Trustees, of the GPSA’s disapproval of the decision to house “traditional” undergraduates in the Hasbrouck Apartment complex, and that the GPSA strongly urges Campus Life to halt contract negotiations with undergraduates and to consider other options.�

No objections to voting on this motion. 10 in favor, 3 opposed. The motion was passed.

VI. Old Business
Funding Request � Slope Day Programming Board
K. Tendy said that $90,000 is the official slope day budget, however it fluctuates year to year. She said that they came up with ideas to incorporate grad student involvement. Ideas include Grad student volunteers, adding a seat on the logistics committee, survey from Gannett that will be expanded to the graduate community (rather than only undergrad), and grad students have the ability to add questions onto the survey.
They are asking for a contribution of $4000 in return for all of the things stated above.
T. McConnochie said that they have a motion on the floor to allocate $4000 to the slope day planning committee. K. Tendy said they are trying to add conditions, give 4000 for slope fest (doesn�t have a to be slope fest, just a suggestion) that slope day planning board carry out steps for byline funding for next funding fee cycle.
J. Vertesi proposed an amendment (4000 divided) 2000 to slope fest and 2000 to talent with the condition that the GPSA name be part of all promotional materials. M. Walsh second it.
K. Nagel wondered where the money will be coming from. T. McConnochie said it is coming from the GPSA and that they have enough reserves, a large surplus. (2–3x annual income)
A. Beggs move that we make an amendment to the motion. M. Walsh seconded it.
A motion to extend meeting for 15 minutes was made by A. Fatale. K. Nagel seconded it. 11 in favor. 2 opposed. The motion was passed.
There were no objections to calling the question. 10 in favor of amending the motion. 3 opposed. The motion was amended.
A. Beggs that they move to vote on the amended motion. M. Bhadauria seconded the motion. There were no objections to voting on the motion. 8 in favor, 5 opposed. The motion was passed.

VII. New Business
Off-campus Housing resolution

SA Resolution R. 11 �Resolution Regarding Violence on Campus�

VIII. Adjournment
T. McConnochie adjourned the meeting at 7:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
YuhLi Tsuei
Office of the Assemblies