From the Cornell Assemblies

GPSA: 20060313 Council Agenda

Cornell University Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Council of Representatives
March 13, 2006
5:30–7:00 p.m.
Big Red Barn

  1. Big Red Barn Report: Kris Corda
  2. Elections: 2 At-Large Assembly seats
  3. Grad Ball Update: Events Chair Janet Vertesi
  4. Introduction of forthcoming GPSA Resolution: Mike Schmidli (Rep., History)
  5. Report on the Graduate Residential Advisory Group: A. Beggs
  6. Other Committee Reports
  7. Open Forum
  8. Transportation & Parking Referendum Draft: T. McConnochie

please note that an emergency business meeting of the Assembly will be called immediately following the Council meeting in order for the GPSA to vote on the proposed Referendum

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Page last modified on March 13, 2006, at 05:51 PM