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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

R. 10: A Resolution Regarding Graduate Students and Slope Day

As proposed Monday, 29 January 2007.

Whereas in 2000 former Cornell President Hunter Rawlings charged the President’s Council on Alcohol and other Drugs to ensure that Slope Day is welcoming to the entire Cornell Community, and;

Whereas the Slope Day Programming Board is making significant changes to the Slope Day event so as to open it to the entire Cornell Community; and

Whereas the GPSA has in the past contributed small sums to Slope Day to support such activities as Slope Fest and the production of talent; and

Whereas the Slope Day programming board has made overtures to the Graduate and Professional Student community by opening seats on its overseeing boards to graduate and professional students, sponsoring a survey that was sent to graduate and professional students, and seeking funding from the GPSA; and

Whereas it is in the GPSA’s best interest to ensure that these seats on the Slope Day committees are filled with graduate and professional student representatives, such that our communities needs and interests may be adequately addressed in the planning and execution of Slope Day;

Be it therefore resolved that the GPSA Charter be amended as follows, effective with the election of the 2007–2008 operations and staffing committee decisions:

9.9.a. Operations and Staffing Committee Appointments

7. One (1) student representative to other external committees: including the Committee on Alcohol & Other Drugs, the Slope Day Steering Committee, the Diversity Council, the Council on Mental Health and Welfare, the Student Insurance Advisory Committee, the Student Library Advisory Committee.

8. Three (3) students to represent graduate and professional student interests in Slope Day as follows: one student to an executive role on the Slope Day Steering Committee, one student to the Slope Day Programming Board, and one student to the Slope Day Logistics Committee.

Be it further resolved that the GPSA Charter be amended under section 9.8 (Events Committee) as follows:

9.8.a [new section] At least one student representative on the Slope Day committees (Steering Committee, Programming Board, or Logistics Committee) shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Events Committee.

Be it finally resolved that this resolution be sent to the Co-Chairs of the Slope Day Steering Committee, Dean of Students Kent Hubbell and Slope Day Programming Board Chair Liz Giorgos.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Vertesi
GPSA President
January 29, 2007