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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

2007 GPSAA 07 R 4

R. 4 Transportation-focused Generic Environmental Impact Statement (t-GEIS)

Whereas, the purpose of the t-GEIS is to plan for the hypothetical population growth at Cornell University over the next ten years by identifying, evaluating, and mitigating the transportation-related issues and their related impacts on the Cornell and extended Ithaca community; and,

Whereas, the major objective of the Ten-year Transportation Mitigation Strategies (TIMS) is to reduce the number of Cornell single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) commuters in order to promote more sustainable mode of transportation for the campus, adjacent neighborhoods and the environment; and

Whereas, the continued program development and enhancement afforded by t-GEIS and the TIMS will facilitate greater emphasis on education and awareness of alternative, sustainable, environmentally-friendly available transportation options such as the creation of a community-based vanpool program, an improved Emergency Ride Home program, enhanced flex-work and telecommuting policies, and monetary and other tangible incentives for using SOV alternatives, which may be of great value and service to the Graduate and Professional student community; and

Whereas, programs of particular interest to graduate and professional students include a community-wide park-and-ride system, which in close partnership with Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) and other agencies will identify and establish locations and ensure high quality, frequent transit service with extended hours to and from around Ithaca; and

Whereas, the t-GEIS and TIMS will serve to provide incentives for improved bicycle networks on and around campus; and

Whereas, the t-GEIS and TIMS will serve to provide incentives for improved pedestrian networks on and around campus; and

Whereas, the t-GEIS and TIMS will serve to promote and encourage greater housing choices at a range of prices and in proximity to convenient services, employment, and transit;

Be it resolved that, the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly supports the t-GEIS project and advocate for its continued development with University support.

Respectfully Submitted,
Tamara Pardo
Graduate Student Representative, GPSA