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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

GPSA Meeting 2009-04-06

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Meeting
Monday, April 6, 2009
701 Clark Hall
5:30–7:00 P.M.

  1. Welcome and Introduction (2 min.)
  2. Open Forum (5 min.)
  3. EARS Presentation (15 min.)
  • a. Introduction by Brian

IV. Executive Updates (5 min.)

  • a. President (Michelle Leinfelder)
    • i. Academic Calendar
    • ii. GPSA Celebration (April 20th)
  • b. Vice President of Operations (Deondra Rose)
  • c. Executive Vice President (Mario Guerrero)
    • i. Charter Review (Thursday April 9th)

V. Committee Reports (15 min.)

  • a. Advocacy (Brian)
    • i. Town Hall Meeting
  • b. Activities (Kate)
    • i. Grad Ball
  • c. GPSAFC (Nighthawk)
    • i. April 25 Funding Day Assistance
  • d. Student Trustee Elections (Mike)

New Business
VI. Elections (40 min.)

  • a. Caucus Leaders
    • i. Biological Science: Michelle
    • ii. Humanities: Deondra
    • iii. Social Science: Mario
    • iv. Physical Science: Joern

VII. Other New Business

VIII. Adjournment