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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Minutes September 21, 2009

Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
Discussion Meeting of the GPSA Advisory Body
September 21, 2009
Big Red Barn Greenhouse
5:30–7:00 P.M.

I.Welcome and Introductions (5 min.):

The meeting was called to order at 5:33 pm. Brian introduced himself. He was chairing because Nighthawk was on research. There was a heavy agenda. Everyone went around and introduced themselves to the group.

II. Executive Updates (5 min)

1. Vice President Operations (B. Forster)

Last week, the operations and staffing committee met. They staffed over ninety positions. There are still six spots remaining on committees. If you are interested, see Brian. The open spots are in the Slope Day Committee (2), the Environmental Issues Committee (2) which is an SA committee, Collegetown Neighborhood Committee (speak to Ed if you have questions on that), and the Transportation Advisory Council.

There were a lot of applications for the University Sustainability Committee. That space is held by Fred Coward, a graduate representative who holds the spot until June 2010, and because of such a large response, they are forming an ad-hoc sustainability committee chaired by Erica.

2. Executive Vice President (E. Gutierrez)

E. Gutierrez said that she is still updating field representatives. They recruited 40 new members, but still many fields are unrepresented. They’re working with the office to update the website and make sure there’s a page dedicated to what reps do. Now, they’re working on changing the website and making a new form so representatives can fill out a form. As far as the Communications Committee, she sent out the first issue last week. The next one will be sent out via the Graduate school. Also, she is trying to get it sent via the Law, Business, and Vet schools. They’re also working on streamlining their facebook group.

III. Old Business

1. R.1: Regarding the 2009–2010 Operating Bylaws of the Cornell GPSA (5 min.)

These bylaws were written last year and over the summer updated by B Forster and chairs. Most changes were committees and staffing. They are happy to take any questions. Part of the resolution is that the office posts these and the final changes will be there. The red was there to see what was being changed. E. Gutierrez said that they will move to discussion. She asked for any further questions. Seeing none, she asked if there was a motion to pass resolution 1. B. Heavner moved, S. Zhang seconded. By a vote of 13 — 0 — 1, the motion passes.

2. GPSAFC Funding Guideline Revisions (A. Sikora) (5 min)

They had to change the wording in bylaws and guidelines to keep consistent with the new bylaws. A. Sikora explained the changes. B. Forster asked for motion to pass. S. Zhang made the motion. It was seconded by C. Clarke. By a vote of 13- 0 — 2, the funding guidelines were approved. A motion to pass the bylaws was moved by D. Walden, and seconded by M. Gafarou. By a vote of 13- 0 — 2, the motion passed.

IV. New Business

1. “Recognizing and Responding to Students in Distress” (K. Hubbell) (10 min)

Dean Hubbell said that they have put together a handbook to all faculty and those who teach. It is basically a desk reference, which gives faculty advice and a series of 1-pagers about issues that students are presented with and challenges they face at Cornell. There are 5,000 copies. He invites you to help distribute to your departments or labs. Everyone who engages with students on regular basis should have these. They want it to be explained.

There is an electronic copy. There were questions from the audience. They concluded that it would be more beneficial to bring to the advisory body because there are more people there. This is stemming from the Office of the Dean of Students. It was compiled over the last several years. It is meant to be used as a companion with other documents. This is the first of four things: 1 handbook for faculty, 1 for staff (to be put out later this year), 1 for students, and 1 for parents (beginning next fall).

2. “Cornell University’s Climate Action Plan” (M. Walsh) (20 min.)

Mike Walsh, Dan Roth (sustainability coordinator) and Phil McPheron (campus life) came forth to give a presentation on the Climate Action Plan. About two and a half years ago, students got together and wanted Cornell to be on this track. About a week ago, the plan was finally released. The committee also included a couple faculty members, undergrad, staff members in facilities.

They discussed the positive parts of the plan, including what will be gained by the university. At the end of the presentation they gave their website for more information:

M. Walsh said that 650 schools signed this commitment. 400 had to submit plans, but only 88 did and Cornell was one of those 88.

There were audience member questions.

Followed by “Concurrent Assemblies Resolution”

The floor was open to discussion on the resolution. B. Forster asked if changing pedge to pledge would be considered a friendly amendment. M. Walsh responded that it would.

An audience member asked if 14 years was too long. M. Walsh said that they recommended 80 percent neutrality by 2050. We’re planning on going to zero. These are aggressive targets. They signed a commitment saying by 2012, they would reduce by 12 percent and are currently ahead of their goals. This is realistic expectations with financial climate.

E Gutierrez noted that there was no mention of LEED. She was wondering if that was something being stuck to. That is already passed as a board policy. So that is baseline.

B. Heavner said he gives his vote of support and appreciates it. He called to question. C. Mansfeldt seconded.

By a vote of 14 — 0 — 1, the resolution passes.

3. GPSA internal budget (D. Walden) (30 min.)

D. Walden explained where funds were coming from. He recommended the no surplus/deficit budget.

C. Clarke asked a Point of Information. The money being allocated for ivy summit doesn’t include the proposed transfer from allocations, correct? This is correct.

E. Gutierrez was questioned about the communications budget and provided answers to the audience.

B. Heavner asked what happens to the surplus that we don’t allocate. As well as how to differentiate projects. D. Walden said that the surplus is carried over. B. Forster said that the differentiation depends on the project.

Mike Walsh said that he was being asked to relay a request for 100 dollars for the sustainability council as a request.

D. Walden recommended the zero-deficit/surplus budget.

The motion to pass the GPSA internal budget with zero deficit was moved by A. Sikora and seconded by C. Mansfeldt.

By a vote of 13- 0 — 2, the zero-deficit/surplus budget passes.

V. Open Forum (5 min.)

C. Clarke said that he got an email from the sustainability summit people. There is an event Saturday and they would like GPSA representation. He’ll forward the email to B. Forster.

B. Forster had an announcement in regards to the CALS dean search. There is an advisory member from plant pathology. There is a graduate seat on the committee. He asked if anyone was planning on attending.

B. Wickes said that it has been brought forward based on facilities and opinion as result of roof refurbishment, there have to be substantial improvement to the barn in 3–5 years, or it will once again be closed. She is sending out an invitation and welcomes members of the Cornell community who think they should be around the table.

They summarized the issues to discuss this coming year as: The Activity Fee
Publicity and presence of GPSA on campus
The re-examination of the graduate community initiative
Re-Imagining Cornell
Child-care (Student Advocacy)
How to better respond to graduate and professional student needs
Giving access to facilities after becoming alumni
Retirement benefits
M. Walsh added parking issues as well as the possibility of opening up spaces and hours. E. Gutierrez said that in her department, 3 diversity grants issued last year were cut this year. She wants to look into that.

B. Heavner is also concerned that changes being made might not reflect graduate student priorities. Provost Fox is soliciting names for working groups as a part of reimagining.

B. Forster said that with committees, he has a list of what people were staffed to, can look at list later. Those letters going out hopefully sometime this week.

VI. Adjournment

The motion to adjourn was moved by Mike and seconded by L. Schneider. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Brittany Rosen