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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.


Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
Discussion Meeting of the GPSA Advisory Body
Monday, February 1, 2010
Memorial Room, Willard Straight Hall
5:30–7:00 P.M.

I. Welcome & Introductions: New Representatives

The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. There was a welcome and introductions of new members. E. Gutierrez gave an overview of the agenda.


II. Provost Fuchs & Professor Lawler Presentation and Questions About Reimagining Cornell, Strategic Planning and the Task Force Reports (30 minutes)

Provost Fuchs thanked the GPSA for letting him come back. Professor Lawler gave a powerpoint presentation of Reimagining Cornell. He highlighted six main concepts: Cornell as a Singular Group, Culture to Support Teaching, Leadership in Research, “land grant” versus “public engagement”, faculty renewal, and diversity and inclusion.

There were questions from audience members.

A goal is to have contract and endowed tuition be the same.

Another goal is to create five year capital plans for buildings that will come with guidelines. Currently, the university has four budgets. Creating one single budget would be more efficient.

Professor Lawler and Provost Fuchs thanked everyone for their time.

III. Executive Updates

a. Executive Vice President: Erica Gutierrez

The Communications Committee chose the logo. It is currently on the blog and facebook. They all got a link for the survey via email. They want to improve the election process. There will also be Bring Your Own Mugs to TGIF. They have been discussing the proceeds going to Haiti. There is also a donation box in the Big Red Barn. They’ve also talked about creating a network of grads who are professionally interested in getting involved and B. Heavner is the point person. His email is He is building a database of people interested and their skills.

b. Vice President of Operations:

B. Heavner gave a blog update for B. Forster who was not able to make it. He spent time working on the blog. The parts of the site that were updated include upcoming meetings, as well as announcements of when and where the meeting is.

IV. Committee Updates

a. Events Committee: Srich Murugesan

Upcoming events include a Stoplight Party at Level B on February 4th, Grad Ball on April 23rd, and a Haiti Fundraiser which is still in planning stages.

b. Ad-hoc Committee Updates:

1) Sustainability: Erica Gutierrez

They have been discussing their role and if there should be a committee. It is still up and running. They participated in student sustainability including tree planting. They passed resolution 4. There is a task force of 6–8 people. They are trying to get graduates involved in Big Red Bikes which is mostly undergrads. More meetings are coming up and there also is an upcoming USC meeting about a teach in for earth day.

2) Mental Health

E. Miles couldn’t be here, so E. Gutierrez is giving the update. They are trying to move forward the ad hoc committee. They met with various representatives and if anyone is interested E. Miles is the contact.


V. University Librarian: Anne Kenney

She wanted to talk about the strategic planning going on in the libraries. The provost suggested six things. 1. A concrete plan to keep resources and collection costs increasing as the money decreases. 2. Explore consolidation of unit libraries. The vet and entomology libraries are looking at reducing their numbers. The Hotel, JGSM, and ILR libraries are undergoing discussions. This semester, the Engineering library is being looked at. 3. There design for the budget process has a new integrated model. 4. They are continuing to pursue documents and collections extending borrow direct from six weeks to twelve. Harvard may join and Columbia is in discussions about a shared library collection. 5. Review programs and services. It is really critical for students to weigh in with their opinions. 6. Participate with CIT to develop a plan for academic computing. This report is coming in April.

There has been strategic planning going on simultaneously. She took questions from the audience.

VI. Cornell Dining: Gail Finan

There are 31 dining locations on campus. They are committed to a livable wage. Most workers start at much higher than minimum wage. They provide very good benefits. They also provide insurance, training, trash removal, safe utilities, and competitive prices to the university. She took questions and gave her email,, urging them to contact her with more questions.

VII. Elections for 2 New At-Large Voting Body Members: Nighthawk Evenson

From the end of last semester, they had 2 of voting council members resign which means there are two vacant seats. One was masters, and one was physical sciences. When there is a resignation or a seat becomes vacant during the academic year, it becomes an at large seat. Any member can run for the position. He gave an overview of the process and responsibilities.

Nominees were: Christoffer Heckman Nate Becker Tom Balcerski Evan Cortenz Jolyon Bloomfield Michael Siegel

The two candidates who got the most votes were Tom Balcerski and Christoffer Heckman. They are now part of the voting council.

VIII. Open Forum

E. Strong thanked people for forwarding information about entrepreneurship for sciences.

E. Gutierrez as feedback to become more engaged. She encouraged anyone with comments or questions to email her.

S. Murugesan said that they are planning each semester for a coffee hour at the Big Red Barn. Hopefully that should be done soon.

C. Mansfeldt mentioned a dance party on February 13 that he will be DJing.

IX. Motion to Adjourn

N. Evensen motioned to adjourn. It was seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brittany Rosen