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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

March 15, 2010 Meeting

Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
Meeting of the GPSA Voting Council
Monday, 15 March 2010
Big Red Barn
5:20–7:00 P.M.

I. Welcome and Introductions:

The meeting was called to order at 5:22 p.m. New faces were introduced.

1. Roll call for the GPSA Voting Council

Representatives Present: T. Balcerski, C. Clarke, N. Evensen, B. Forster, M. Genkin, E. Gutierrez, B. Heavner, C. Heckman, C. Mansfeldt, S. Petraitis, L. Schneider, A. Sikora, E. Strong, D. Walden, B. Webb-Binder, S. Zhang

Representatives Unexcused: J. Beekman, D. Patel

Representatives Excused: S. Murugesan

II. Open Forum

C. Clarke reminded everyone about the Masters teaching program’s April 30th deadline. B. Forster then reminded everyone about the March 27th Perkin’s Award deadline.

III. Announcements and Reports:

1. Approval of minutes

B. Heavner made an amendment on page 3. B. Forster motioned to approve the minutes as amended. A. Sikora seconded. The minutes were approved.

2. Executive updates: VP of Operations

B. Forster spoke about the follow-up action to resolutions 7 and 8. It was suggested he write a letter regarding the issues in resolution 7 and send it to next year’s GPSA. He asked for a motion to approve. C. Mansfeldt moved to approve. T. Balcerski seconded. By a vote of 10–0−1, the motion passed and the letter will be sent to next year’s GPSA.

3. Standing committee updates: Advocacy, Events, and Finance Commission

Events - C. Heckman spoke on behalf of the committee. He said they have been working on Grad Ball (on 4/23) he reported that tickets will be available soon after break. He also reported there will be one more Grads’ Night Out after spring break.

FC - A. Sikora gave the update. She said summer funding applications are due April 2nd. This is also the last day for any special project requests. The deadline for 2010–2011 funding is April 30th. She noted applications are available on the GPSA and GPSAFC websites. The review date for these applications is May 8th. Every year they need help from volunteers, if you would be available to help out, please contact her. She is offering a GPSA workshop on how to apply since there is going to be an online application to start a database for the history. Additionally, it will help groups better understand how to spend money. The information session is set for Saturday, April 10th.

IV. Liaison updates: EA, Faculty Senate, SA


B. Heavner said there was nothing going on in EA that would impact the GPSA. There is an event to know about called “Soup and Hope”, this Wednesday noon at Sage. Contact B. Heavner for more information.

Faculty Senate

C. Mansfeld said there was nothing going on that would impact the GPSA either, although he said he had accidentally ignited a UA/Faculty Senate issue.


Jen said they launched a new website as well as passed resolutions for defining what a college representative means as well as one trying to get deans to come to meetings. “Lift Your Spirits Day” is Wednesday and she urged everyone to attend.

4. Student-elected Trustee updates: Mike Walsh

M. Walsh said the Board of Trustees met in Ithaca on Thursday and Friday. He thanked everyone who came. The board had a few committee meetings on Thursday. A. Craig had a presentation scheduled on dealing with student deaths on campus. Trustees were presented with the programs that are offered to students, i.e. EARS and Minds Matter. Alumni affairs committee announced that Cornell Connect, an online social networking venture, is nearing the end of the pilot phase.

The new dean of the graduate school was announced to be Barbara Newt. She is also holding the title of vice provost.

The most recent draft of the strategic plan was presented to the board. Send comments to

Student elected trustee position elections started today. Materials and packets are available online. There will be an information session this Thursday from 4–5 p.m. in B12 Day Hall. The deadline for getting 200 signatures is April 1st. The Daily Sun candidate forum is April 15th. Voting will happen between April 20–22nd.

V. Business of the Day:

1. R.19 Resolution Regarding Condolences (VP Forster)

This resolution is in response to the recent deaths of 3 undergraduates. E. Strong suggested an amendment be made. It was accepted as friendly. E. Strong motioned to approve. A. Sikora seconded. By a vote of 15–0−1, the resolution passed.

There was then a moment of silence to reflect on the tragedies.

2. R. 12 Regarding the GPS Activity Fee (Rep. Clarke)

The only thing that needs to be changed is the allocation procedures. B. Forster motioned to approve. It was seconded by D. Walden. By a vote of 14–0−2, it passed.

3. R.13 Consideration of Graduate and Professional Student Needs in the Ongoing Strategic Planning Process (Reps. Mansfeldt and Strong)

E. Strong explained the resolution which serves as a follow-up from the last voting council and Town Hall meeting.

B. Forster amended “searchers to searches.” It was accepted as a friendly amendment. There were questions from the GPSA members.

After discussing a possible amendment, T. Balcerski motioned to refer this to a committee to discuss. A. Sikora seconded. The amendment was tabled until later in the meeting.

4. R.14 [Ad hoc mental health committee resolution] (VP Forster)

They are working on a resolution related to mental health. Dean Hubbell gave an update on how the community is handling the student deaths.

The committee discussing the amendment of resolution 13 returned. C. Heckman suggested the amendment to remove the last clause and add the phrase “in consultation with stakeholders�” B. Forster motioned to approve. C. Heckman seconded. By a vote of 14–0−2, the resolution passed.

5. R.16 Amendments to the GPSA Charter Concerning GPSA Membership

(Rep. Clarke) 

C. Clarke explained the resolution and the work and thought which went into it. They then took questions.

There could be as many as 70–80 voting members. If all seats were filled, the number would increase to around 115. Advisory body members want to be more involved. The issue of whether or not there would be quorum was discussed. Because of the idea of “seated members,” the issue of quorum would sort itself out after the first two meetings.

They discussed the risks inherent in proposing these changes. Looking at peer institutions, the consensus was the University of Pennsylvania has the strongest system which is currently closest to the one already in place.

The resolution was then tabled for the night.

6. R.15 Encouraging Professors to Comply with Cornell Store Booklist Submission Deadlines (Pres. Evensen)

N. Evensen explained he believed this to be straightforward and showing solidarity with the SA. B. Heavner spoke against as he did not believe this to be an issue for the graduate community because it is something already outlined in the Faculty Senate handbook. N. Evensen did not believe this to be an offensive resolution, but something which would support their colleagues. B. Webb-Binder said that it should be investigated further. N. Evensen motioned to lay the resolution on the table. A. Sikora seconded. The resolution was tabled.

7. R.17 GPSA Environmental Sustainability Committee (VP Gutierrez)

Jolyon and Billie presented the reasons they believed the Environmental Sustainability Committee should be considered to become a standing committee.

C. Mansfeldt was given the chair.

B. Forster spoke against the resolution and explained his concerns with allowing this to become a full committee. E. Gutierrez explained why they believed B. Forster’s concerns would not be valid regarding the committee.

T. Balcerski motioned to extend the meeting. A. Sikora seconded.

People spoke for and against the resolution, some suggesting this was a distraction to the already formed committees and others suggesting that this was an appropriate outlet for graduate and professional students.

N. Evensen motioned for the orders of the day. After a final comment, the resolution was tabled for the week.

8. R.18 [Ad hoc survey committee resolution] (Rep. Genkin)

M. Genkin discussed the motivation for the resolution and explained what it entailed.

A. Sikora motioned to extend the meeting to 7:20 p.m. B. Forster seconded.

A. Sikora spoke against the resolution stating the charter currently reads the GPSAFC cannot fund byline funded organizations, and the GPSA is one such organization. They feel this sets a bad precedent for taking money out of the Finance Commission for the GPSA business that should be allocated within our funds. The Finance Commission doesn’t take its admin budget out of funds to allocate for students. That budget is given from the GPSA. Given that they don’t fund themselves, they can’t endorse funding this. Ari Epstein gave background information on the charters. N. Evensen said the charter states the GPSA should take care of all non-byline funded organizations but doesn’t say it shouldn’t fund the other way. He did not understand the argument. D. Walden would be interested to see more of a cost breakdown.

N. Evensen motioned to lay the resolution on the table. It was seconded by A. Sikora.

VI. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Brittany Rosen