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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

November 1, 2010


Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Monday, November 1, 2010

Memorial Room, Willard Straight Hall
5:30—7:00 P.M.

I. Welcome and Introductions (15 min.):

  • a. Roll Call
  • b. Minutes from Business Meeting (C. Mansfeldt)

II. Executive Updates (10 min.):

  • a. President: Cresten Mansfeldt
  • b. Executive Vice President: Jennifer Swartz
  • c. Vice President of Operations: Thomas Balcerski
  • d. Counsel to the GPSA: Brian Forster (2 minutes)

III. Presentation by University Librarian: Ann Kenney (30 min)

IV. Old Business

  • a. R2 Graduate Student Survey: Evan Cortens (5 minutes)

V. Break-out Sessions (20 min.):

  • a. What would increase GPSA’s visibility at Fall Orientation?
    • i. Area-centered activities? Co-sponsorship of events with large departments?
  • b. What type of activity does your area want do for its social event?
  • c. What are you thoughts on funding a graduate student survey?

VI. Open Forum (10 min.)

VII. Motion to Adjourn