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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.


Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
GPSA Business Meeting
Monday, November 15th, 2010
Big Red Barn
6:00–7:30 P.M.

I. Welcome and Introductions

The meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m.

a. Roll Call of the GPSA Voting Members

Members Present: R. Adra, K. Alpert, S. An, N. Baran, G. Choko, E. Cortens, B. Gould, B. Heavner, N. Little, C. Mansfeldt, A. Sikora, S. Harya, J. Swartz, N. Yakubu

Members Absent: T. Balcerski, C. Clarke, B. Hartshorn (Nathan from JGSM was there to give JGSM related input), Y. Izraelit

b. Introduction of the GPSA Non-Voting Members

Non-voting members introduced themselves.

II. Approval of the Minutes for the October 18th, 2010 GPSA Business Meeting

The correct minutes were not sent out with the agenda and thus cannot be voted on until the next voting meeting.

III. Business of the Day

a. Update from the Big Red Barn (Guest: Kris Corda)

The Big Red Barn is incredibly busy this semester. There was a small focus group which elucidated problems with the Barn and communication. The next grading break will take place on Monday, December 6. There will be healthy food, Play Doh and fun. They are working on a snow sculpture contest later in the winter. There will also be a poster contest to be displayed in here in conjunction with sustainability. Email her at kc31 with any questions.

b. R.2: Creation and Funding of an Ad-Hoc Survey Committee (E. Cortens)

  • i. Discussion

He explained the resolution. They recently got an updated surplus figure, which is about $300 higher than what is noted in the resolution. He explained the surplus. He said make sure to have at least $2000 dollars in the bank for Ivy Summit. No one spoke against the resolution. They moved into formal debate.

B. Forster asked if they have the needed 3 members for an ad-hoc committee. E. Cortens said that presently they had himself, Mike Genkin, Steven An, and Chris at least.

People were willing to assist pro-bono.

They took questions from audience.

They noted that the shorter the survey the higher the response rate.

B. Heavner called for a vote, A. Sikora seconded.

  • ii. Voting

With a vote of 13–0−1, the resolution passed.

c. R.3: Addition of Environmental Impact Statements to By-Line Funding Process (M. Walsh, C. Heckman)

  • i. Discussion

M. Walsh presented and explained the resolution. During funding, they would send this to the GPSA and SA. He thinks it’s a simple requirement to investigate and detail environmental impact and is to be less than one page. R. Desai explained his place in the resolution. They’re submitting a similar resolution to the Student Assembly. They took questions from the members.

  • ii. No Voting, Attend the 11/29/2010 Discussion Meeting to Vote

IV. Open Forum

a. Announcements and Reports

  • i. Executive Updates

1. Formation of the GPSA Handbook (B. Forster, C. Mansfeldt)

C. Mansfeldt said that the office has a handbook, but this is much more loose and open in guidelines. It is trying to be a referential document. B. Forster offered to take it up as this is to complement the handbook. S. An suggested as an electronic wiki.

2. Area Designated “Superfield” Funding (C. Mansfeldt)

C. Mansfeldt is organizing that and he will keep people up to date.

3. Staffing Vacancies

The most pressing vacancy is on the Academic Integrity Hearing Board. They need a Biological Sciences representative as soon as possible.

  • ii. Standing Committee, Liaison Updates, Other Updates

1. Sustainability Committee

B. Gould said a representative told them about the arboretum being demolished and not rebuilt. There is a petition to sign. A. O’Donnell said this was brought up at the President’s Address to Staff earlier this week.
Posters and artwork are going up in the Big Red Barn after winter break. Prizes will be given at the first TGIF.

2. Communications Committee

There are 90 members on he forum and no increase in activity yet.

3. Finance Commission

A. Sikora met 12 requests for $21,667, they have $14,347 left in appropriations and $77,645 left for the year. They are on target.

4. Appropriations Committee

K. Albert said they are doing very well and trying to schedule a meeting with OA to discuss the Charon system. If you are interested in attending, let him know.

5. Events

N. Baran said there is going to be an interschool mixer at the Big Red Barn coming up and she will need volunteers to help. There are also two more events, Spa Day and a Sciencenter trip for grads with families.

6. Student Advocacy

G. Choko said there is a meeting this Thursday at the Big Red Barn. The Childcare Grant and Orientation are the two things on the agenda.
CU Outdoor and Leadership Team wants to launch a pilot program with grads. They will have more information soon.
Second semester will be geared toward mental health. The minority group is meeting with Barbara Knuth on Friday.

7. Mental Health Committee

Thursday they are meeting in Brenda’s office. They will discuss Gannett’s survey, the graduate portion of the SA resolution on Mental Health to possibly adapt for graduate students.

8. Faculty Senate

C. Heckman said that they are looking at the calendar with regard to mental health impacts.

9. Student Elected Trustee

N. Evensen said that a friend of his was killed while doing fieldwork in Nicaragua. It has been a very difficult time for natural resources. There was a moment of silence in remembrance. The meeting of the full board of trustees happened and he gave a presentation on training for teaching assistance. Not much was available; there were no assessments. He will be working with the Graduate School and the Provost’s office on this. Send an email if interested.

E. Cortens motioned to extend the meeting, N. Baran seconded.

b. Strategic Planning

  • i. Proposed Changes to the Cornell Council for the Arts (E. Cortens)

E. Cortens said that this organization started in 1967 and was the only group that funded the arts on campus, students and faculty alike. They are reconfiguring to fund one large event, this is a big change. His opinion is this is a good idea for a big event, but eliminated smaller individual grants is important because they will likely cease to exist.

  • ii. Charter Review Committee Update and Feedback (T. Balcerski)

T. Balcerski was sick, but their next meeting is coming up soon. There are many issues to consider. Read if you are interested and please participate. C. Mansfeldt said the last meeting was tough and confrontational. This is counter to how the GPSA works. They need to keep the dialogue positive and open. G. Choko said that minority groups are an issue now and representatives would like to be better represented. They want to have a meaningful discussion on better representation. It is an emotional issue but they are all intellectuals and it is important. B. Heavner said that dialogue is important. The more opportunities to collaborate, the better.

E. Cortens motioned to extend the meeting. B. Heavner seconded.

C. Mansfeldt said to email T. Balcerski or attend the meeting with any questions.

c. Polling the GPSA in Attendance (C. Mansfeldt, T. Balcerski, E. Cortens, B. Heavner)

They asked if they would prefer announcements at the end or beginning of the meeting. By a vote of 7–6, more preferred to have them at the end of the meeting.

E. Cortens motioned to adjourn. C. Heckmann seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Brittany Rosen