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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.


Graduate and Professional Student Assembly
Monday, November 29, 2010

Memorial Room, Willard Straight Hall
5:30�7:00 P.M.

I. Welcome and Introductions

B. Forster called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm. C. Mansfeldt gave an overview of the previous business meeting.

II. Means Restriction

Tim Marchell and Gilbert Delgado were here to speak about the university’s overall approach to suicide prevention and mental health promotion as well as means restriction. Based on a model of suicide prevention in higher education. Main point is that there’s no single approach to student mental health issues and suicide prevention. All aspects of a living, learning environment including caring community but also mindful of the academic environment that students work in. and there’s an examination of it going on via the council of mental health and wellness. They spoke about ways to deal with mental health.
The discussion of Means Restriction specifically was lead by Gilbert Delgado, the university architect. They discussed the long-term solution to replace the black fences to minimize the obstruction to the view. They plotted out the way to design a long-term solution that won’t obstruct the view of the landscape while still restricting means. His email is gd222 to contact him with questions. Tcm9 is Tim Marchell’s email.

III. Presentation by Graduate School Dean Barbara Knuth

She is the Dean of Graduate School as of July 1st, and on April 1st she also because the vice provost. This is a good integration for the graduate school. They explained the plan and goal areas for the graduate school in the near future including a Center for Teaching Excellence, a new resource is “Writing from A to B” as they realized that sticking points for successful finishing is writing the dissertation. They are working on a new assistant dean position to focus on what can be done to support a diverse student body, successfully completing degrees, networking skills. There were processes to assess how well they’re doing as well as how to do better in the future. They also discussed Grad School financial support and increasing the visibility of graduate education in Cornell. She also discussed the NRC Rankings and took questions from the audience.

IV. Presentation by Middle States Accreditation Self-Study Steering Committee:

Ms. Clarkburg, who works in the Research and Planning Office in Day Hall. Reaccreditation will occur in the spring of 2011. The goal is a quick overview and an invitation to give feedback. Technically the process is voluntary but is necessary for federally sponsored financial aid. This covers the entire institution. The strategic plan helped with this. Each chapter ends with a recommendation. Their schedule in March is meetings with whomever they wish to speak on campus and then convene each evening. is the email if there are any questions.

V. Break Out session

Stress has been identified by students as impacting their Academic Performance, resulting in a feeling of being overwhelmed by what work has to be done and a feeling of anxiety. How do you think the university should reduce the level stress students experience in the classroom? After the sessions ended, the meeting reconvened and they discussed their progress. N. Baran moved to extend the meeting by ten minutes. It was seconded by T. Balcerski.

VI. Open Forum: Mary Ann Krisa: Graduate Community Advisor Positions

Mary Ann Krisa said that they have started the GCA process for the 2011–12 year. It is a live-in position. She brought some flyers, and urged people to take them for themselves or anyone interested, free housing is included. is her contact information.

VII. Executive updates

Operations and Staffing

Next week, T. Balcerski is having the next meeting of Operations and Staffing Committee’s review of the charter on Monday, December 6, at the Big, 5:30–7pm. The last meeting (Monday November 8) had a lively discussion with ~14 participants. There will be pizza and soda and everyone is welcome.
The Humanities Superfield funding opportunity will take place on Thursday January 27th. B. Forster said that based on an informal survey, he is now spearheading the GPSA handbook. An audience member from the organization Graduate Women in Science, said that they are hosting a national conference in June and need people to help. If anyone is interested, please contact her at

VIII. Motion to Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Brittany Rosen