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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.


Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
GPSA Business Meeting
Monday, February 21st, 2011
Big Red Barn
5:30–7:00 P.M.

I. Welcome and Introductions

a. Roll Call of the GPSA Voting Members

Members Present: K. Albert, S. An, T. Balcerski, N. Baran, C. Clarke, E. Cortens, B. Hartshorn, B. Heavner, C. Heckman, Y. Izrayelit, N. Little, C. Mansfeldt, J. Swartz, M. Tootill

Members Absent: B. Gould, A. Sikora, S. Harya, N. Yakubu

Members Late: R. Adra

b. Introduction of the GPSA Non-Voting Members

Non-voting members introduced themselves.

II. Announcements and Reports

a. Executive Updates

  • i. Formation of the GPSA Handbook (B. Forster)

B. Forster explained this has been written alongside the charter review, but would not go out until the charter review had finished. After March 14th, it’ll start by going out to the committee, then eventually to the entire voting assembly. He then gave an overview of each section and what went into it. C. Mansfeldt asked who would be maintaining the document in the future. B. Forster said this will have to be discussed. C. Heckman said it would be faster and easier to keep updated if it were kept under a committee. B. Forster suggested Operations and Staffing as the right committee. J. Bloomfield expressed his approval and how great the document was.

  • ii. Staffing Vacancies (T. Balcerski)

T. Balcerski — said there are two vacancies on the Student Insurance Advisory Committee, one of which has been solicited and one is still wide open. The committee meets twice in March. If you’re interested, contact T. Balcerski.

J. Swartz — had no updates.

C. Heckman said the Communications Committee had T-shirts and other items to give away at the end of the meeting. iii. Leadership Breakfast, President’s Call for Input (C. Mansfeldt) C. Mansfeld said the monthly leadership breakfast was a week and a half ago. They hosted the Director of the CU Policy Office, Joshua Adams. If anyone had any interest in learning more, contact him. President Skorton has also given a call for more student feedback and input. If you know of issues to bring to his or senior administrations’ attention, email him at, please let him know.

b. Standing Committee, Liaison Updates, Other Updates

  • i. Identification of Field Group/Organization Funding (B. Hartshorn)

B. Hartshorn said his understanding that field groups inside FC funding were created to encourage participation. They lack the information about who applied for what and which fields are left. If you know of people who haven’t filed for funding and can, please tell them to. Only 23 out of 90 fields applied for funding. There was discussion on what information was available and who to go to.

  • ii. Update from the Ad-Hoc Survey Committee (E. Cortens)

E. Cortens said the committee has met to discuss and they have coordinated with other groups also. He noted they will likely have a draft this week.

  • iii. Events Committee (N. Baran)

N. Baran reported there will not be a ski day as they were hoping, but there is still the possibility of doing a joint event with Ithaca College grads, an interschool mixer, Grad Ball is Friday, April 1st, and an Iron Chef competition will likely be scheduled after that.

  • iv. Student Advocacy (M. Hawkins)

M. Hawkins said the next meeting is Thursday in the BRB. They will be discussing technology problems for grad students and perhaps establishing emergency funding. Also, they will be discussing the issue of diversity and how it’s been resolved or addressed in the body.

  • v. Appropriations Committee (K. Albert)

K. Albert said they have draft for guidelines for the FC which will be presented at a future meeting. He said to contact him if you want updates in the meantime.

III. Business of the Day

a. R.4: A Resolution Opposing the Proposed Changes to the Cornell Council for the Arts (CCA) (E. Cortens)

  • i. Discussion

E. Cortens read part of the resolution and explained the name of the resolution has been changed to “Affirming the Necessity of Individual Grants.” E. Cortens explained the changes made to the resolution since last time. He said it is so important to continue the 40-year tradition of individual grants. There was no opposition. There was no formal debate.

B. Heavner called to question. C. Heckman seconded.

  • ii. Voting (if deemed ready), simple majority to pass

By a vote of 14–0−1, the resolution passed.

b. R.6: GPSA Charter and Associated Documents Review and Revisions (T. Balcerski)

T. Balcerski explained the changes that have been made to the charter to this point, and gave a timeline recommending when changes and voting will need to take place. He said the first part was about membership changes, the second part regarded procedures, and the third part regarded committees. He answered questions and there was a brief discussion.

IV. Open Forum

a. Strategic Planning

  • i. Emergency Funding for Graduate Students (B. Heavner)

B. Heavner explained that Brenda Wickes had approached him because there was a “Students Helping Students” fund established by the SA in 1988. This fund was a portion of student activity fees that created a very large sum of money, although no contributions are being made to it currently. The GPSA formed in 1993, and activity fees split from GPSA and SA in 1986, but it’s unclear what emergency funds are available now for students in need. He thinks it would be ideal for all grads to be able to apply for funds. There are some funds created through student funding at Cornell.

Marquis Hawkins motioned to establish an ad hoc committee on emergency funding under the auspices of the Student Advocacy Committee in consultation with the executive committee, the appropriations comm., and any other relevant university offices. The ad hoc committee will be charged to deliver a written report to the GPSA by the last business meeting of the semester. This document should:
1) Report what emergency grant funds are currently available to grad and prof students, and the source of those funds;
2) report what emergency grant funds are available to other members of the Cornell community that grad and prof students do not have access to;
3) describe the purposes and distribution guidelines of any funds identified for items 1&2;
4) and provide a recommendation for appropriate actions for this body to consider which might to ensure that all grad and prof students have access to grants similar to those provided to undergrads by the existing Students helping Students fund to make an ad-hoc committee under the Student Advocacy Committee.

N. Baran seconded the motion. B. Heavner charged the ad-hoc committee with compiling and giving a report to the GPSA by the last business meeting this year on what funds exist, what the committee recommends, and give some options on how to proceed. Membership will include him, a member of the student advocacy committee, and someone young hopefully.

Voting — 14–1−1. The motion passed.

b. Additional Items

B. Forster thanked C. Clarke for explaining resolution 5 in his absence at the last meeting, and confirmed every answer Chris gave at the last meeting was correct.

V. Good and Welfare

There was nothing further.

E. Cortens motioned to adjourn the meeting. C. Heckman seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.