From the Cornell Assemblies

GPSA: Resolution 12: A Resolution Updating the Role of the Appropriations Committee

WHEREAS, The GPSA Appropriations Committee oversees the process of setting the GPSA Internal Budget; and

WHEREAS, The GPSA Appropriations Committee Chairperson has been historically designated as the curator of the GPSA Internal Budget and point person to GPSA funds; and

WHEREAS, The Office of Assemblies has recently updated their budget tracking software, which has made it pertinent to clarify and update the roles associated with the GPSA Internal Budget; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That Section 3.05(a)(i) of the GPSA Bylaws be updated to read:

The Appropriations Committee shall concern itself with all aspects of the Graduate and Professional Student (GPS) Activity Fee, including review of the GPSA Byline Allocation Procedures, the GPSA Eligibility Criteria and Obligations for Byline Funded Organizations, the GPSAFC Funding Guidelines, and the GPSA Internal Budget.

RESOLVED, That Section 3.05(d)(vii) of the GPSA Bylaws be updated to read:

The Chairperson shall collect budget proposals from all standing committee chairs two weeks prior to the second regularly scheduled GPSA meeting. The Chairperson shall then propose the GPSA Internal Budget based on the collected budget proposals, which shall be presented as a resolution at the second regularly scheduled meeting in the Fall semester.

RESOLVED, That Section 3.05(f) of the GPSA Bylaws be updated to read:

The Committee shall rely on the Office of the Assemblies to:

1. Help with the administrative aspects of coordinating with byline funded organizations,
2. Provide organizations applying for byline funding with information,
3. Provide institutional memory,
4. Provide the Appropriations Committee Chairperson at least read-only access to the financial system that tracks the GPSA Internal Budget.

RESOLVED, That Section 3.05(g) of the GPSA Bylaws be updated to read:

GPSA Internal Budget

i. The GPSA Internal Budget will be based upon budget proposals submitted by the standing committee chairs.
ii. Standing committee chairs shall present a budget proposal to the Appropriations Committee Chairperson two weeks prior to the second regularly scheduled GPSA meeting of the Fall semester.
iii. Standing committee budgets may include line items for operational and food expenses. The food line item is specifically for food provided at committee meetings for committee members.
iv. The Appropriations Committee Chairperson will execute the process of setting the GPSA Internal Budget pursuant to Item III.3.05(d)(vii).
v. Upon approval of the GPSA Internal Budget by the GPSA, the Appropriations Committee Chairperson will operate in conjunction with the Office of Assemblies to establish enforcement guidelines for committee spending.

RESOLVED, That Section 3.14 of the GPSA Bylaws be created and read:

Internal Budget

a. GPSA Committees will track their own expenses.
b. GPSA Committees will not commit to actions that could incur expenses that exceed the total amount budgeted for their operations without first obtaining the approval of the GPSA Appropriations Committee Chairperson.
c. In the event that a GPSA Committee overruns their budgeted allocation, the Committee committing the overrun will collaborate with the Appropriations Committee to draft a resolution revising the GPSA Internal Budget so the expenses may be accounted.
d. All queries regarding the GPSA Internal Budget and the current state of GPSA funds are to be directed to the Appropriations Committee Chairperson (Item III.3.05).

Respectfully Submitted,

Christoffer Heckman
Appropriations Committee Chairperson, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly

Evan Cortens
President, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly

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