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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

R. 14 A Resolution to Revise the Funding Guidelines of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Finance Commission

WHEREAS, The FC has observed confusion over some ambiguous language in the Funding Guidelines; and

WHEREAS, The FC has discussed how to clarify this language and update the guidelines according to funding rules employed this year; therefore, be it


(a) That the Funding Guidelines are amended�

(1) in Item II. General Funding Parameters�
(A) in section 2 by striking “The GPSAFC reserves the right to withhold allocated funds if the student organization does not observe this stipulation. The sole exception to this rule is detailed in Field Category.”
(B) in section 7 by striking “at least three business days before the GPSAFC’s April meeting” and inserting “by the advertised deadline preceding the annual budget day .”
(2) in Item IV. Additional Funding Requirements and Restrictions�
(A) by adding a section 7 and inserting “Organizations must submit an original, itemized receipt that includes the name of the member to be reimbursed within one month of the expense being incurred.”
(3) in Item V. Specific Expenditures Ineligible for GPSAFC Funding�
(A) by adding “unless for an online publication” after “Web design and web-hosting.”
(B) by striking “Alumni-related expenses” and inserting “Honorariums, travel expenses, and accommodation for alumni whose last degree from Cornell University was received within the last 5 years. Exceptions may be granted with the inclusion of a letter of support from the organization’s advisor.”
(C) by adding “Items that will be retained by individual members of the organization.”
(4) in Item VI. Funding Categories and Line Items�
(A) in section by adding “for transportation from outside of Ithaca to Cornell” after “Rental vehicles.”
(B) in section 4.1.4 by adding “The GPSAFC encourages organizations to be sustainable by reducing the quantity of paper advertisements and using electronic forms of communication where possible.”
(C) in section 4.3 by adding “or costs related to the production of an online journal” after “The GPSAFC can fund costs related to printing or copying of issues.”
(D) in section 4.4 by striking “The annual budget maximum for this category is 300 USD” and inserting “Funding will be allocated based on 5 USD per member, with an annual budget maximum of 300 USD.”
(E) in section 4.5.2 by striking “To receive field funding an organization must fill at least one seat assigned to that field on the GPSA, either with a voting member or a field representative. If the GPSA Executive Vice-President informs the GPSA Finance Commission of a sustained vacancy in any seat, the GPSAFC will freeze any funding allocated in the “field” category to that field’s representative organization until the organization fills the seat(s).” and inserting “To apply for field funding, at least one seat on the GPSA (voting member or field representative) must be filled by a member from that field. This requirement must be satisfied at the time of annual budget submission. If this member misses more than two consecutive meetings in a given semester and does not send a replacement, the Executive Vice President shall notify the Chair of the Finance Commission, so that any funding allocated in the “field” category to that organization can be frozen. The funds will be restored when the member attends two consecutive GPSA meetings.”

(b) That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Office of Assemblies for the purpose of updating the official document on the GPSAFC website.

Respectfully submitted,

Mia Tootill
Chair of the GPSAFC