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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

September 10, 2012 Minutes

Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
GPSA Discussion Meeting
Monday, September 10th, 2012
Bache Auditorium, Malott Hall
5:30–7:00 P.M.

I. Welcome and Introductions

M. Paine called the meeting to order at 5:37pm.

1. Introduction of voting members, 1 min.

The voting members introduced themselves.

2. Jan Allen, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, 5 min.

Jan Allen said she has many goals for the graduate school. She would like to find out how the graduate school can help students obtain high-level funding. She would like to help people be as successful as they possibly can be while they are in the graduate school and enjoy their time here as well. She can be contacted at

II. Approval of the Minutes

1. August 27th, 2012, 1 min.

Y. Izrayelit proposed an amendment to correct the spelling of his name. The amendment was passed and the minutes were approved with no objections.

III. Reports of Officers and Standing Committees, 35 min.

1. Executive Committee (M. Paine)

M. Paine said the Bear’s Den is now open. It is the new on campus pub in Willard Straight Hall and it is open to all Cornell students. Additionally, Graduate students can sign up to organize programs there on Tuesdays. M. Paine also announced that the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Council for the city of Ithaca needs student members. Those interested in joining this council should contact him.

a) Ad hoc committee on the GCI Progress Report/Update

This committee did not present an update. More information about the GCI will be presented at the next meeting.

b) Campus Space Utilization Study

This study will be discussed in detail at the next meeting.

c) Campus Safety

Dave Honan, Deputy Chief of Operations for the Cornell Emergency Police, came to speak about recent updates in campus safety news. The Cornell Police continues to investigate the forcible touching and rape incidents that occurred on the night of September 4, 2012. Those with information about these incidents should come forward. Since these crimes were committed, there has been an expansion of the CUPD escort service to 7–8 escorts each night. When not escorting at night, officers work to check the security of buildings and other areas on campus. The police are also investigating ways to increase security on campus through the use of cameras and other forms of new technology. The website has a lot of information about policing efforts on campus. There is also a facebook page that contains similar information. Members of the Cornell community should feel free to provide any feedback to Deputy Honan.

E. Cortens noted how CUPD Chief Kathy Zoner has said that many sexual crimes on campus aren’t reported. Is there any time of effort to encourage people who have been victimized by crimes like this to come forward?

Deputy Honan said that the CUPD does encourage all victims to come forward. The police department likes to work with victims, even if they do not wish to seek prosecution.

E. Newbury said there was an education effort through CUPD and Cornell concerning the hazing problems in fraternities. Is there a similar education effort being put in place for people who have been victimized by sexual crimes?

Deputy Honan said the police department has no specific program like this. These type of education initiatives are usually led by the university as a whole.

B. Dunn asked about the policy for underaged people who are intoxicated, yet still need to call for an escort.

Deputy Honan said that the escorts are civilians and not members of the police force, so underaged drinkers cannot get in trouble by calling for an escort.

Y. Izrayelit asked what the number for the escort service is.

Deputy Honan said the number is 255–7373. It works from 8pm-3am, but if you are afraid to walk home at a later hour, go ahead and call. Also, if you are worried that you live too far away to be escorted home, call and ask anyway.

2. Appropriations (W. Kreuser)

There was no update from the Appropriations Committee.

3. Communications (M. Cerroni)

There was no update from the Communications Committee.

4. Finance Commission (V. Pagay)

a) Special Project Requests funding process

V. Pagay said those interested should contact him at in order to get involved with the Finance Commission. Currently, many groups are interested in appealing their granted funding. Those interested in appealing should contact him and he will recommend that you apply for funds through a special project request. The purpose of this process is to provide supplementary funding during the academic year for specific events. In order to receive this funding, you must have submitted an annual budget before.

The application is available at Once there, click “documents” and then click on the “apply for funds” link on the left-hand side of the screen. The funding limits are $1400 per event. If you are requesting funding over $1000, it is suggested that you attend a GPSAFC meeting. Additionally, co-sponsorship is recommended for large requests. The deadlines for funding are 3 days (Friday, 4pm) prior to the first Tuesday of each month (except January) during academic year.

5. Graduate & Professional Student Programming Board (K. Roosa & G. Danies Turano)

G. Danies Turano said there are 15 new members of the Programming Board. The first meeting will be on Friday in the Plant Science Building, room 336 at 11:30. The Programming Board is interested in hosting a variety of charity and sporting events this year. They will present their charter and budget to the GPSA in two weeks.

6. Student Advocacy (Y. Izrayelit).

Y. Izrayelit said the Student Advocacy Committee will be hosting an open Town Hall Meeting in the fall to focus on student needs and the Graduate Community Initiative. In the spring, they will host a “Dine & Discuss” themed dinner for students in the Big Red Barn based on the Town Hall meeting in the fall. The tentative themes for this dinner are community diversity and inclusion. The committee would also like to create a mental health subcommittee to focus on issues relating to mental health and wellness throughout the year. Finally, Izrayelit is interested in updating the Student Advocacy Resource List on the GPSA’s website. One of the goals is to make a one-page version of this resource list in order to distribute it to all graduate and professional students. Therefore, the committee needs new members: organizers, illustrators, statisticians, and advocates. The first meeting of the Student Advocacu Committee will be held on Wednesday, September 19th at 5:00 pm in the Big Red Barn.

7. Report by the Representative to the Dining Committee (M. Holden), 15 min.

M. Holden said Cornell dining currently doesn’t have a graduate meal plan option. Additionally, the current Big Red Bucks plans are a rip off because the discount is less than the administrative fee. The other plans cost too much and are not practical for students who live far from the dining halls. A new, debit based plan has been proposed in which grad students will be able to put money on their ID cards at a minimum starting amount of $50. They will then be able to purchase food tax- free from all Cornell Dining locations using their cards. When money is running low on the card, they can add money in certain increments. Additionally, there will be a 5% discount in addition to an 8% general tax discount for graduate students at the Big Red Barn. The plan is to launch this new plan in the Spring.

E. Cortens asked if Holden had considered allowing graduate students to enroll in the meal choice plan that is open to faculty and staff.

M. Holden said that he had discussed this option with Cornell Dining, but it wasn’t financially feasible.

Y. Izrayelit asked whether the Big Red Barn would start discouraging undergraduates to eat there because it will attract more graduate students with the new proposed discounts there.

M. Holden said he would look in to this issue. A. Moore wondered about any potential backlash from the undergraduate population because they are not allowed to obtain additional discounts.

IV. New Business

1. Resolution 2, Approval of the Bylaws, 15 min.

E. Smith said the bylaws must be updated each year.

There was a vote by placards. By a vote of 16–0, the resolution passed.

2. Resolution 3, Approval of the Internal Budget, 30 min.

M. Paine presented a powerpoint, indicating the budgets requested by the committees within the GPSA.

The Communications Committee requested $500, which is a change of $0 from the previous year. The Executive Committee requested $9,475, which is an increase of $840 from the previous year’s request. The Finance Commission requested $700, which is a decrase from the previous year’s request. The Student Advocacy Committee requested $,1075, which is an increase of $775 from the previous year’s request. Finally, the Ops and Staffing Committee requested $50 and the Appropriations Committee equested $100.

The total of these requests ($11,900) is within the GPSA’s budget, so there will is a projected $10,644 project cash rollover for the end of the 2012–2013 year.

N. Baran said she supports this resolution and, given the transition of the Programming Board to being independent of the GPSA, it’s good to see the budget come down to just internal operations and not external events as in the past. If anyone has problems with the amount of food being purchased in this budget, you should consider that food is the best way to entice people to come join and support the GPSA.

E. Cortens proposed adding a line to the spreadsheet.

N. Baran proposed an amendment to include a line to the spreadsheet indicating “Initial GPSAF transfer” and “Final GPSAF transfer.” The amendment was seconded.

By a vote of 16–0, the amendment was passed and the resolution was amended.

Y. Izrayelit asked about the process by which committees can amend their budgets if they are projected to exceed these budgets.

E. Cortens said that these amendments would need to be voted on at a GPSA meeting.

There was a call to question. By a vote of 16–0, the resolution passed.

V. Open Forum, 3 min.

E. Smith said that people interested in joining a committee should apply before Sunday, September 16th. You can apply online at

There was a motion to adjourn.

M. Paine adjourned the meeting at 6:51 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Allison Bazinet