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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 12 - A Resolution to Amend the GPSA Charter to Ensure Representation of Students at Cornell NYC Tech and Geneva Campuses

WHEREAS, The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly represents graduate and professional students at the Ithaca, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station (Geneva), and Cornell NYC Tech campuses; and

WHEREAS, The graduate and professional students at the Geneva and Cornell NYC Tech campuses have unique expectations and needs that are different from those at the Ithaca campus; and

WHEREAS, The GPSA has expressed a desire in the past to strengthen connections with the Geneva campus as well as Weill Cornell Medical College; and

WHEREAS, The Cornell NYC Tech campus will accept the first set of masters students in January 2013 and GPSA should be ready to establish a relationship with the new students; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That to ensure the full participation and representation of the concerns of graduate and professional students at the Geneva and Cornell NYC Tech campuses, the Charter of the GPSA shall be amended in Article IV, Section 4.03 “GPSA Field Representatives”:

b. The composition of Field representatives shall be:

  • 1 One representative elected in the fall from each graduate field (two from fields with over 100 students);
  • 2 Three representatives elected by each professional school;
  • 3 One elected representative from the Cornell NYC Tech campus in New York, NY and one elected representative from the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, NY (regardless of whether their field or professional school is already represented by a field representative).
  • 4 The students in each individual field, professional school, or campus may prescribe their own election procedures. If not filled through election, a representative may be appointed by the field’s Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) or Dean of a professional school, subject to the approval of the students”.

RESOLVED, That as the number of students at the Cornell NYC Tech campus grows, the GPSA should continue to consider whether this structure adequately represents the needs of students on that campus;

RESOLVED, That the Student Activities Office, Office of Assemblies, and GPSA Finance Commission should take steps to ensure that they are prepared to serve student organizations at the Cornell NYC Tech campus; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That this resolution be sent to David Skorton, President; Susan H. Murphy, Vice President for Student and Academic Services; Barbara Knuth, Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School; Kathryn J. Boors, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Daniel P. Huttenlocher, Dean of Cornell NYC Tech; Peggy Beach, Director of the Office of Assemblies; Ari Epstein, Assistant Director of the Office of Assemblies; Kent Hubbell, Dean of Students; and Catherine A. Holmes, Associate Dean of Students.

Respectfully submitted,
Nicole M. Baran
Executive Vice President, Graduate & Professional Student Assembly

Mitch Paine
President, Graduate & Professional Student Assembly

Erik Smith
Vice President for Operations, Graduate & Professional Student Assembly

Amit Sharma
Computer Science Field Representative

Matt Tancos
Plant Pathology & Plant Microbe Biology Field Representative