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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 18, 2013 Minutes

Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
GPSA Discussion Meeting
Monday, February 18th, 2013
Bache Auditorium, Malott Hall
5:30–7:00 P.M.

I. Welcome and Introductions

The meeting was called to order at 5:40pm.

1. Introduction of voting members, 1 min.

Voting members present: N. Baran, G. Danies Turano, J. Drewes, A. Enders, M. Dumas, J. Hill, T. Ghandi, M. Holden, W. Kreuser, H. Liu, A. Moore, R. Moore, M. Paine, M. Tootill, C. Yao,

Voting members absent: E. Newbury, E.Rager, E. Smith

II. Approval of the Minutes

1. February 4th, 2012, 1 min.

There were two minor changes to the minutes and then the minutes were approved.

III. GCI Topic Area Breakout Sessions, 70 min.

1. Graduate & Professional Student Center

N. Baran said the student center was one of the biggest focuses of the old GCI in 2007, before the financial crisis hit. Now, all future thoughts of expansion have been put on hold. Therefore, the graduate and professional community will have to make do with the Big Red Barn as their current student center.

Baran wrote up five main objectives to improve the graduate and professional student space on campus:

  1. Enhance the operation of the Big Red Barn to better foster both academic and social interactions between graduate and professional students.
  2. Expand the usage of Willard Straight Hall for graduate and professional students.
  3. Re-imagine the food and beverage service at the Big Red Barn.
  4. Create a centralized physical space on campus for students to access information about graduate and professional student services.
  5. Continue to explore the long-term goal of an expanded Graduated and Professional Student Center.

Dean Hubbell said he is completely on board with making Willard Straight Hall a better space for graduates to gather and will assist with any effort to do just that.

2. Housing

M. Paine discussed three objectives for the GCI regarding housing:

  1. Provide an adequate supply of university housing that meets the needs of graduate and professional students.
  2. Provide support to graduate and professional students who choose to live off-campus.
  3. Help create a better community for graduate and professional students living off campus.

3. Mental Health & Well-Being

Y. Izrayelit and M. Holden described the following five objectives for improving mental health and well-being through the updated GCI:

  1. Provide resources for emotional and psychological support tailored to the graduate and professional experience.
  2. Support and promote graduate student physical fitness.
  3. Support the development of work-related skills that improve mental health.
  4. Support development of meaningful relationships through social events.
  5. Provide support for the unique challenges faced by international students when dealing with mental health and well-being.

At this point, those attending the meeting broke into three break-out sessions.

IV. Reports of Officers and Standing Committee, 15 min.

1. Executive Committee (M. Paine)

M. Paine asked for ideas for a theme for the March 4th GPSA meeting that will be attended by President Skorton. He also asked for a graduate student to volunteer to serve on the TCAT Citizens Advisory Committee. He also commented that the Cornell Federal Aid Student Lobby Day is March 6th and all students are encouraged to participate. A bus will take students down to Washington DC and students will be able to stay at the Cornell in Washington Center. Finally, those interested in becoming more involved in the Cornell fossil fuel divestment campaign should let him know.

2. Appropriations (W. Kreuser)

There was no appropriations update.

3. Communications (M. Cerroni)

Let M. Paine or M. Cerroni know if you are interested in joining this committee.

4. Finance Commission (V. Pagay)

V. Pagay said March 1st at 4 pm is the last day to apply for funding from the Finance Commission.

5. Graduate & Professional Student Programming Board (K. Roosa & G. Danies Turano)

G. Danies Turano said the Programming Board will be hosting a “re-orientation” event on Thursday, February 21st at the Big Red Barn. Grad students can also attend a free screening of the Phantom of the Opera at Cornell Cinema. Finally, there will be a DJ Competition at the Grad Ball, so spread the word among DJs you know who may want to participate.

6. Student Advocacy (Y. Izrayelit)

Y. Izrayelit said the second annual Dine and Discuss event will be held on Wednesday, February 27th from 7–9 in the Big Red Barn. The theme of the night is “sense of community.” There will be a free dinner and participants will be able to brainstorm ways to grow a sense of community in the graduate and professional student body. Sign up soon!

7. Award Committee (P. Mahanti)

P. Mahanti said the Award Committee is assembling its nominees and would like people to continue promoting these nominations.

V. Open Forum, 3 min.

M. Paine adjourned the meeting at 7:02 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Allison Bazinet