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March 25, 2013 Minutes

Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
GPSA Discussion Meeting
Monday, March 25th, 2013
Bache Auditorium, Malott Hall
5:30–7:00 P.M.

I. Welcome and Introductions

M. Paine called the meeting to order at 5:33pm.

1. Introduction of voting members, 1 min.

Voting members present: M. Tootill, T. Gandhi, -G. Danies Turano, J. Hill, E. Newbury, M. Paine, N. Baran, A. Moore, J. Drewes, M. Holden, R. Moore, E. Smith, D. Bunck, C. Yao, H. Liu, A. Enders, M. Dumas

Voting members absent: W. Kreuser, E. Rager

II. Approval of the Minutes

1. March 4th, 2012, 1 min. The minutes were approved with no dissent.

III. Presentations

Report from NAGPS Legislative Action Days in Washington D.C. (A. Powell), 5 min. A. Powell, Plant Biology field representative, said he was in D.C. on March 2–3 to attend the National Association of Graduate and Professional Students (NAGPS) Legislative Action Days. The conference discussed research funding, international student issues, and open access, among other issues pertinent to graduate and professional students. Conference attendees also learned how to effectively get their stories across to members of Congress.

IV. New Business

1. Resolution 14, A Resolution to Approve the Graduate & Professional Community Initiative (GPCI) 2013, 60 min.

N. Baran discussed the primary updates to the GPCI regarding the graduate student center. The main objectives of this section of the GPCI are:

  • Objective 1: Enhance the operation of the Big Red Barn to better foster both academic and social interactions among graduate and professional students
  • Objective 2: Re-imagine the food and beverage service provided at the BRB
  • Objective 3: Enhance graduate and professional student access to flexible programing spaces on campus and expand usage of Willard Straight Hall
  • Objective 4: Information about graduate and professional student services should be centralized and available in one location
  • Objective 5: Continue to explore the long-term goal of an expanded graduate and professional student center as a centralized space for graduate life initiatives

T. Gandhi asked whether the GPCI includes a section requiring key card access to enter the Big Red Barn, thereby restricting undergrads.

N. Baran said this is not included in the GPCI, because she doesn’t think that restricting access to undergraduate students is a viable option.

Then, E. Cortens began to discuss significant changes to the GPCI section concerning Career Resources.

The main objectives of the Career Resources sections are:

  • Objective 1: Support graduate students who choose to pursue non-academic careers
  • Objective 2: Continue to make Cornell Career Services more accessible to and valuable for graduate and professional students
  • Objective 3: Support the development of transferable professional skills
  • Objective 4: Increase the level of data collection, both regarding current students and alumni

M. Holden moved to discuss the changes to the GPCI section on Mental Health & Well-being.

The objectives of Mental Health and Well-being include:

  • Objective 1: Provide resources for emotional and psychological support tailored to the graduate and professional experience
  • Objective 2: Support and promote graduate student physical fitness
  • Objective 3: Support programming regarding graduate and professional student productivity to reduce work-related stress
  • Objective 4: Support development of meaningful relationships through social events

M. Holden described some amendments to this section of the GPCI.

K. Schlauraff suggested adding an amendment to the amendment calling for more hours at the Lynah Rink in addition to exercise classes swimming pools, and athletic courts.

The amendment to the amendment was approved.

There was a vote on M. Holden’s original amendment. The amendment was approved.

C. Yao stated she thought EARS counseling should be acknowledged in the introduction and the document should also mention the difficulties grad students are often faced with when using this service. She later proposed an amendment to include this. This amendment was approved.

Y. Izrayelit then discussed the objectives of the Diversity and International Students section:

  • Objective 1: Increase diversity and representation within the GPSA
  • Objective 2: Increase the support structures for international students
  • Objective 3: Expand support for diversity programming and students of color
  • Objective 4: Increase focus on gender equality in graduate and professional education
  • Objective 5:Increase support for the LGBT graduate and professional students

There were a few grammatical, and consistency errors that were amended.

Y. Izrayelit proposed changing “LGBTQ” to “LGBT” to be consistent with the language used by Cornell.

M. Holden disagreed and said he thinks the “Q” and also an “I” should be used to incorporate more groups.

Y. Izrayelit’s amendment failed and N. Baran proposed changing “LGBTQ” to “LGBTQI”. The amendment passed.

M. Holden motioned to delete an action relating to LGBTQI identity or advocacy as a factor in awarding diversity-based fellowships.

E. Cortens proposed an amendment to Holden’s amendment. There was no opposition to the amendment to the amendment. The amendment to the amendment was passed.

There was no opposition to M. Holden’s amendment. The amendment was passed.

N. Baran discussed the changes made to the Family Services section:

  • Objective 1: Students should have access to information about resources for students with families
  • Objective 2: Foster a supportive campus climate for graduate and professional students with families
  • Objective 3: Graduate and professional students should have access to affordable child care options
  • Objective 4: Provide support for and inclusion of student partners and spouses

M. Paine moved on to discuss changes to the Housing section:

  • Objective 1: Provide and adequate supply of university housing that meets the needs of graduate and professional students
  • Objective 2: Provide support to graduate and professional students who choose to live off-campus
  • Objective 3: Help create a better community for graduate and professional students living off campus

M. Paine also discussed changes to the Transportation section:

  • Objective 1: Graduate and professional students should have reasonable, fair, and equitable parking options
  • Objective 2: Graduate and professional students should have access to high quality public transportation

G. Danies Turano made a motion to consider providing free OmniRide access to graduate and professional students before 8:00am during weekdays.

The amendment passed with no dissent.

K. Schlauraff proposed an amendment to “consider increasing the capacity of TCAT buses to carry bicycles.”

M. Paine said this amendment would probably be pretty expensive for TCAT to implement.

The amendment passed with no dissent.

E. Cortens moved to amend the section to require Gannett and/or transportation services/ student disability services to inform students with temporary limited mobility about Cornell’s parking and transportation options.

The amendment to the amendment was seconded. There was opposition and discussion. The amendment to the amendment was passed.

The amendment itself was passed.

N. Baran discussed the Sense of Community changes:

  • Objective 1: Improve opportunities for meaningful interactions and interdisciplinary collaboration across the broad graduate and professional student community
  • Objective 2: Support programming, events, and activities that encourage social cohesion, connectedness, and communication
  • Objective 3: Support and encourage personal development and growth
  • Objective 4: Improve integration and communication across departments and units

There was a discussion on amending this section and amendments were made.

There was no further discussion on the resolution text itself. Discussion moved to amendments on the resolution as a whole.

After further discussion, Resolution 14 was approved by a vote of 13–0.

V. Old Business

1. Resolution 13, A Resolution Calling for a Responsible Endowment, 5 min.

R. Moore said he recently sat down with administrators to discuss how Cornell’s endowment is invested. Given the current wording of the resolution, he found the resolution simply isn’t feasible. He motioned to postpone the resolution indefinitely. Seconded. The motion was postponed.

VI. Reports of Officers and Standing Committee, 15 min.

1. Executive Committee (M. Paine)

M. Paine said he and N. Baran presented at the NAGPS-Northeast Regional Conference, held on March 15–17th in Boston.

2. Appropriations (W. Kreuser)

No updates.

3. Communications (M. Cerroni)

No updates.

4. Finance Commission (V. Pagay)

V. Pagay said annual budgets for organizations for next year will be due Firday, April 26th at 4 pm online. There will also be a budget funding workshop held on Apil 6th from 2:00 pm-4:00 pm in the Plant Science Building, PS 22.

5. Grad & Professional Student Programming Board (K. Roosa & G. Danies Turano)

G. Danies Turano said there will be free pizza offered at the upcoming DJ competition at the Big Red Barn on Friday, March 29, 2013 at 7:00 pm.

6. Student Advocacy (Y. Izrayelit)

No updates.

7. Award Committee (P. Mahanti)

No updates.

VII. Open Forum, 3 min.

There were no open forum discussions, so M. Paine adjourned the meeting at 7:18pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Allison Bazinet