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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

May 13, 2013 Letter From President Re: R. 19

Dear Mitch:

I appreciated receiving GPSA’s Resolution 19: Student Health Insurance Optional Dental Plan. As the national discussion has made clear, health insurance is a complicated arena. We are grateful to the undergraduate, graduate and professional students who volunteer their time on the Student Insurance Advisory Committee each year to guide the University’s decision-making on student health insurance matters. I understand that Craig McAllister has reached out to you to arrange a meeting to discuss the GPSA’s concerns about the optional dental coverage plan. I am sure that the conversation will be informative and constructive for both parties.

As we enter finals week, I want to thank you and your colleagues on the GPSA for your energy and advocacy on behalf of graduate and professional students this year. You have identified many issues for further exploration and been positive and effective representatives for your constituents.

