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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

GPSAFC Funding Meeting Minutes

6:30PM to 8:30PM
141 Sage Hall

Commission Attendance:
Kyle Albert
Christopher Clarke
John Connelly
Robert Hartshorn
David Ho
Joanna Sikora
Ven Su
Hadi Fathallah (notified commission in advance they would not be in Ithaca during the date/time of the meeting)

Graduate and Professional Student Attendance:

  • 1. Three representatives of the OCP (Organization of Cornell Planners)
    • a. Present to answer any questions regarding two special project requests
  • 2. Representative of SAGES (Student Association of the Geneva Experiment Station)
    • a. Present to petition on behalf of funding appeal

General Committee Notes and Comments:

  • 1. Kyle Albert had conflict and had to depart earlier (7:30PM).
  • 2. Commission agreed to review requests for attending student groups first to accommodate attendees schedules.
  • 3. Late annual budgets reviewed next. Commission divided into teams of two to review and comment on assigned budgets. Chairperson reviewed and approved comments and allocations for release.
  • 4. Meeting concluded at 8:30PM deadline with 12 requests outstanding. Work to complete the final requests fell to chairperson. Due to schedule conflicts final updates not completed until following week, October 12.
    • a. Groups impacted include:
      • i. ISA
      • ii. Philomela
      • iii. History of Arts & Visual Studies
      • iv. EGSO
      • v. Environmental Law Society
      • vi. Electron Devices Society
      • vii. Gender & Sexuality Reading Group
      • viii. National Lawyers Guild
      • ix. Planning Students for Diversity
      • x. BEE

Contact GPSAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116