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GPSAFC Minutes December 01, 2012

Graduate & Professional Student Assembly
Meeting of the GPSA Finance Commission
December 6, 2012
151 Plant Sciences
6:30–8:30 P.M.

GPSAFC Funding Meeting Minutes: ‘Commission Attendance: Vinay Pagay, Yiyi Jiang, Parag Mahanti,, Christine Yao

Absent: Dan Kuhlmann, Monet Dumas, Triveni Gandhi

Graduate and Professional Student Attendance: 1 (cPARN)

Meeting Agenda:

  • 6:30 pm — Meeting start; review SPRs
  • 7:00 pm — Visit by cPARN group regarding SPR
  • 7:20 pm — Review remaining SPRs
  • 8:00 pm — Review annual budgets (split up requests)
  • 8:30 pm — Conclude meeting

Total November Funding Summary

a. Number of Requests= 20
b. Beginning budget= $49,227
c. Total Approved= $22,248
d. Remaining Budget= $26,979

Breakdown of Funding Subcategories

Annual Budget Requests

a. Number of Requests= 8
b. Amount Approved= 10,126

Special Project Requests

a. Number of Requests= 12
b. Amount Approved= 12,122


a. Number of Requests= 0
b. Amount Approved= NA

Closing Remarks/ Additional Planning

  • 1. The unfinished annual budgets and SPRs were reviewed and discussed over email with the chair.
  • 2. The tentative funding plan is to leave approx. $25,000 (out of a balance of $49,000) for Spring semester funding requests and distribute the rest in the Fall semester, approx. $24,000. Since over $22,000 was distributed in this funding cycle, we will distribute only approx. $2,000 in the December funding cycle.
  • 3. The next GPSAFC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Dec 6 from 6:30–8:30pm.

Contact GPSAFC

Willard Straight Hall Main Lobby
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–9610
fx. (607) 255–1116