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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

October 15, 2008 Minutes

Minutes. Meeting called to order at 5:50pm in Clark Hall, Physics Graduate Lounge. (The originally scheduled room locked, a note of the new location was posted when no other committee member had showed up till 5:45pm.)

Attendance: Matthew Kennedy, Joern Kupferschmidt

Introduction, why we serve on this committee. Kept short. In light of a likely repetition at the next meeting. Tasks ahead:

  • J. Kupferschmidt: Overhaul GPSAFC bylaws, reduce ambiguous wording, clarify university policy interpretation (e.g., “religious activities”, reconsider “capital investment” rules..)
  • Byline funding process might be looked at. M. Kennedy expressed that more cooperation with undergraduate SA would be useful. Especially in light of changes in funding levels.
  • Passing a budget for the GPSA. Unanimously it was considered odd that funding and spending had not been more closely watched in previous years. M. Kennedy expressed surprise about absence of a treasurer. J. Kupferschmidt said this committee was expected to the treasurer.

(Hockey ticket pricing was discussed before meeting was called to order. Was not discussed again during the meeting: Current situation is $13 per ticket instead of $18 general price. However, this presents an increase of $4 from previous $9. M. Kennedy did not recall that a price change was indicated at the relevant meeting with Athletic last year. J. Kupferschmidt said that pricing had been reconsidered due to new support from undergraduate students.)

  • GPSA Budget.

Discussion focussed on understanding last year’s budget and afterwards coming up with a new budget, which proved difficult. It appeared that an estimated $1300 had been spent on copying and office supplies. $720 of which were believed to be associated with the FC, $230 with the FPC and $355 general. The committee expressed its surprise and disbelief regarding those numbers. J. Kupferschmidt said that a potential source of cost, especially for the FC, were paper application packages. M.Kennedy suggested that looking into paperless options should be encouraged. J.Kupferschmidt concurred and mentioned this could be done in line with an overhauled internet presence of the GPSAFC. In addition, food provided for meetings appears to be a major cost driver. It appeared that about $500 were still unaccounted for at this point. J. Kupferschmidt will look into the issue.

Next years budget was discussed. J. Kupferschmidt proposed reducing the food allocation for committees. M. Kennedy emphasized the need to have an incentive for Graduate Students to come to these meetings, as they often occur late, after the end of the workday. Said that the community might likely be willing to spend 10 cents per student to ensure that funds are allocated well. Further expressed the opinion that it might seem unfair to have Assembly and Council meetings be catered while general committee meetings would not be. J.Kupferschmidt agreed, while emphasizing that somehow money needed to be saved. No conclusion could be reached. J. Kupferschmidt said to bring the issue before the GPSA/CoR. It was agreed that the GPSA retreat should be considered under “special funds”, not events. J.Kupferschmidt said that Ivy Summit cost this year was high due to high cost location. M. Kennedy emphasized Grad Ball’s importance, and discouraged cutting funding there. J. Kupferschmidt expressed hope of finding more sponsors for the Grad Ball this year, M. Kennedy was skeptical. Budgets for committees were considered. As a low volume item, J. Kupferschmidt pointed out it might be useful to have a more general budget encompassing different committees, to absorb fluctuations. Food and supplies should be seperate, to avoid incentive on saving at supplies. Little progress was made until the allocation of $4000 savings for Ivy summit was dropped. A tentative allocation to be discussed by the GPSA is attached.

Next meeting should finalize budget and start looking at GPSAFC bylaws.

VII Meeting adjourned at 6:55pm.

GPSA Funding Policy Shortcuts

Contact GPSA Funding Policy

109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255–3715
fx. (607) 255–2182

Hours: 9a - 12:15p, 1p - 4:30p, M - F