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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

January 19, 2009 Agenda


  • Advocacy Working Procedure FINAL.doc
  • R.5 Regarding the Working Procedure and Responsibilities of GPSA Student Advocacy Committee
  • R.6 Regarding Bicycle Safety on the Cornell University Campus in Ithaca
  • TownHallPoster.ppt

I.Committee Business

  • Finalized Budget
  • Finalize Working Procedure for SAC.
  • R.5: Charter Changes Re: Student Advocacy.

II.Old Business

  • Contact Sheet
  • Health Care & Insurance
  • Transportation (R.6)
  • Mental Health Council (R.7 — to be distributed at the meeting)

III.New Business (joint meeting with GPSA Events Committee)

  • SAGES Visit: Perhaps late April? Arrive for TGIF then members of the committee go to dinner
  • Status of the different “advocacy related” committees & Feedback from other members
  • Town Hall Meeting:
    • When?
    • Where?
    • How Long & Format?
    • Food?
    • Advertisement (Posters, Postering, Facebook, GPSA-INFO, announce at GPSA Meetings, website)

Contact GPSA Student Advocacy

109 Day Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715