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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

2009 Spring Staff

Office of the Assemblies
Peggy BeachDirector, Assemblies and CIVR114 Day Hall255–7419 mjb15
Ari EpsteinAssistant Director, Assemblies109 Day Hall254–5161 ate2
Amy O’DonnellAssemblies Coordinator, UA, GPSA and EA109 Day Hall255–7075aro2
Neusa LeclairAccounting, GPSAFC109 Day Hall255–8274 nfl3
Terry EctorAccounts Representative, SAFC109 Day Hall255–9610 tle2
Amy EdwardsOffice Coordinator, Assemblies109 Day Hall255–3715 apb16
Brittany RosenStudent Clerk109 Day Hall255–3715 bnr24
Aileen CastilloStudent Clerk109 Day Hall255–3715 ayc29
Valerie PocusStudent Clerk109 Day Hall255–3715 vhp7
Yezi LiStudent Clerk109 Day Hall255–3715yl672
Yang ZhangStudent Clerk109 Day Hall255–3715yz264