From the Cornell Assemblies

SA: S.A. Appropriations Committee Byline Funding Recommendation: Student Assembly Finance Commission

2010–2012 Allocation$80.17
2012–2014 Request$105.00
Appropriations Recommendation$83.91

Rationale of the Committee

The Committee considered funding amounts at intervals of 91 cents over the dollar to bring the Student Activity Fee to the nearest dollar amount (as the Charter mandates). Since the total increase to the SAF was requested by the administration to be between 4–6%, committee members proposed that the SAFC should be increased to either $84.91 or $83.91 reflecting a total SAF of $229 or $228, respectively. Some felt that the SAF should be increased by more than 6% to $230 (6.5% increase) to give the SAFC more of an increase to offset recent student group funding cuts. However, many committee members felt this would be irresponsible since the student body should not have to bear a 6.5% increase to the SAF in one funding cycle. Ultimately, committee members felt that an increase of 4.7% to the SAFC, yielding an allocation of $83.91, would allow the SAFC to allocate additional funds to student groups. Committee members felt that since the SAFC carries a substantial rollover each term, a greater funding increase was not necessary. Many believed that expected reforms to the SAFC funding process, including a “credit score mechanism”, might unlock previously unused rollover funds. Overall, members would encourage the SAFC leadership to continue to look at the effectiveness of its funding process and make reforms where possible.

Vote Totals

The Committee votes down, from the highest number proposed to the lowest, to give the group the advantage. The vote totals from the Committee were as follows:

$105.001–9−0 $85.910–9−1 $84.913–7−0 $83.9110–0−0

Respectfully submitted,

Adam Nicoletti ‘12
Vice President for Finance, Student Assembly

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Page last modified on November 30, 2011, at 08:54 PM